March 2015

I had the privilege of attending the North American Veterinary Community Conference in January. The … more

As reported in Veterinary TimesĀ (February 9 issue), the RCVS would likeĀ all veterinary practices to comply … more

It occurred to me the other day I hadn’t seen an aural haematoma for some … more

2 mins

Supporting a student nurse takes many forms. Peer assessment can save teachers time, improve students' understanding of course materials and improve their metacognitive skills.

3 mins

Although the UK’s fire and rescue services are not obligated to rescue a cat stuck … more

We routinely audit postoperativeĀ complications for our canine neutering surgery. Over time, it became clear we … more

This past fortnight or so weā€™ve seen a handful of cases in which dogs which … more

8 mins

AĀ very itchy, erythematous young boxer with very sore ears came in to my consult room. … more

2 mins

Through no fault of my own (promise) I recently found myself in a couple of … more

At the end of this month (March), my year group has to submit their choices … more

Have you ever been presented with aĀ cat you are certain has hyperthyroidism, but you can’t … more

1 mins

February 2015

Obesity is a huge welfare problem that is rapidly increasing. We all know this. That … more

Iā€™veĀ comeĀ across a couple of cases of Sarcoptes this winter. Both cases were young dogs withĀ intense … more

The industry is awash with advice on using social media. In fact, it’s now so … more

One of the big discussion topics within the veterinary profession at the momentĀ is the RCVS … more

We had a very sad case lately of a little kitten that developed the classic … more

I writeĀ the day after the Charlie Hebdo atrocity in Paris: not surprisingly, it fills the … more

17 mins

I recently discovered a veterinary practice in southern England that advertises the fact they have … more

6 mins

We do a lot of work for the local branch of the RSPCA and come … more

As part of a course I’m studying, I have been looking at feedback in clinical … more