Vet Times articles

The latest veterinary content produced by Vet Times, covering topics such as Companion animal, Equine, Exotics, Farm animal, Welfare and General.

February 2015

I’ve never kept a diary – I’ve rarely led that sort of orderly life. The only time … more

13 mins

Oobie is a pedigree bullmastiff, but she will never win Crufts because of her “unique … more

6 mins

January 2015

The AVS (Association of Veterinary Students) Congress marks one year since my involvement with the … more

I recently saw a very large, and very friendly bull mastiff that presented with what appeared to be … more

I worked New Year this year, and we had a busy one. Raisin ingestion was … more

I am currently stuck at home with a bad back, so I’ve had plenty of … more

8 mins

I suspect we have all come across that tricky Pseudomonas otitis case that just seem … more

3 mins

As a student on placement, I’m often in awe of the vets I’m working with. … more

Last Saturday I had a “walk in” – a very cute spaniel that was limping … more

So 2014 has come to an end – and before we begin our journey through … more

I have been teaching surgical nursing and during a recent oronasal session we covered dentistry. … more

Vets are always taught, quite rightly, the power of effective history taking. The value of it is … more

December 2014

The homeless come with a certain stigma – particularly those with pets at their side. Should we … more

I often see new graduate workshops and tutorials advertised where the seminar leaders address the problems … more

Last week I removed one of the largest, most pus-filled uteri from a large breed … more

I’ve not long come across a case of a middle-aged dog that had suddenly become unaccustomedly … more

I attended some great anaesthesia lectures at London Vet Show. The Association of Veterinary Anaesthetists … more

Everyone had heard rumours third year at veterinary school was the worst. On coming back … more

We have now started to use Polydioxanone (PDS) to stabilise symphyseal fractures in cats. We … more

More commonly these days, our practice management systems (PMS) are able to distil a patient’s … more