April 2014

This sounds simple, so I know you will be able to answer me… just tell … more

March 2014

Over the last month there’s been quite an uproar over the reality of the production … more

9 mins

This is a different blog to usual. It involves mental health, and all I am … more

I have been asking on my twitter account (@JaneRVN) about experiences of the nurses and … more

Vegetarianism can be quite the controversial topic, with many people choosing not to eat meat … more

9 mins

I am just coming to the end of a six-week course run online by the … more

Normal hepatic function is essential for conversion of ammonia to urea. Increasing resting ammonia concentration … more

My thanks to fellow blogger Will Easson – we seem to think alike on many … more

Postoperative ileus (POI) is a transient bowel dysmotility that occurs following many types of operations … more

As graduates, one of the most routine surgeries that we will be expected to be … more

February 2014

Susie Samuel from Vet Help Direct (an online symptom checker for pet owners) discusses how … more

1 mins

I work in an emergency practice and things come in fits and starts. If I … more

Sticky bottom syndrome in rabbits is most often caused by feeding a badly balanced diet, … more

An update to my previous post, entitled “Planning the RVN/SVN year” for you… OSCE dates … more

In January, I attended my first AVS (the Association of Veterinary Students) congress. It was … more

A common abnormality in canine dentition is retention of deciduous teeth. This occurs when the … more

2 mins

The first part of a two/three-year slog started this month – the “A” module part … more

American cocker spaniels with dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) are often taurine deficient and responsive to taurine … more

On December 23, 2013, an important announcement was made by the Royal College of Veterinary … more

The gravel sign is seen radiographically as multiple, variously sized mineral fragments in the stomach … more