April 2022

Gerardo Poli begins a four-part series looking at the main aspects to consider with social media for veterinary practices – starting with goals and objectives.

9 mins

Despite research associating gastric lavage with worse patient outcomes, Gerardo Poli says some uncommon cases may benefit from the technique.

6 mins

March 2022

Research suggests enemas may never need performing again – and Gerardo Poli says it could be the most exciting news in veterinary medicine.

4 mins

In part two of his look at intoxication, Gerardo Poli discusses the main exposure routes and looks at the actions owners can take at home if their pet has been exposed to a toxin.

8 mins

Gerardo Poli offers a list of questions for telephone calls from owners concerned about their pet being intoxicated.

6 mins

Gerardo Poli concludes his series on serum discolouration by looking at icteric serum, which is caused by the presence of excess bilirubin in the blood stream.

7 mins

February 2022

The presence of lipaemia can indicate the presence of certain diseases, but it can also make interpretation of biochemistry particularly difficult. Gerardo Poli offers some advice on how to deal with lipaemic samples.

5 mins

When interpreting PCV/total solids, it is also important to take note of the serum colour as this may give clues into the diagnosis.

4 mins

Gerardo Poli highlights some common misconceptions he finds with interpreting the often-misinterpreted or underused PCV/total solids tests.

7 mins

Performing euthanasias is the one of the hardest parts of a vet's job. Gerardo Poli provides advice to help make the process easier for you, your client and, most importantly, your patient.

8 mins

As an emergency vet, Gerardo Poli has fine-tuned his approach to ensure the euthanasia process runs as smoothly as possible. In the first in a short series on the subject, he talks about caring for the client.

10 mins

January 2022

Gerardo Poli looks at ongoing losses, the fourth and final part of a fluid therapy plan, and offers some general rules.

4 mins

Gerardo Poli concludes his four-part focus on gastric dilatation-volvulus with a look at the recovery stage and postoperative monitoring.

11 mins

Following on closely from the first two parts of his February focus on gastric dilatation-volvulus, Gerardo Poli turns to surgery and offers a few pointers to help ensure the procedure runs as smoothly as possible.

12 mins

In the second of a four-part series on GDV, Gerardo Poli looks at the two ways gastric decompression can be achieved and offers advice on both methods.

14 mins

December 2021

In the first of a four-part series, Gerardo Poli puts the focus firmly on gastric dilatation-volvulus – particularly the three things that should be done as soon as a suspected case is presented.

13 mins

As the festive season is in full swing and bringing more things for pets to ingest, Gerardo Poli lists some of the common problems and conditions likely to cause visits to the vet clinic.

9 mins

Research shows emesis induction does not influence clinical outcome. However, Gerardo Poli feels a time and place exist for it, based on his clinical experience.

9 mins

November 2021

After discussing how to take appropriate abdominal radiographs, Gerardo Poli offers some advice on interpreting the resulting images.

5 mins

Abdominal radiographs can be daunting – so Gerardo Poli offers six tips to help you get the most information from your studies.

5 mins