January 2014

Over the next couple of years I have a full plate; the postgraduate degree I’m … more

December 2013

I can’t help thinking that efforts to improve “social mobility” and help people from all … more

On a weekly basis my wife peruses the local newspaper. In the back – after … more

November 2013

Communication in our profession interests me. Histories I receive as part of the referrals process … more

Something I have noticed in the past few years (and mentioned in my last post) … more

7 mins

For the first part of my career my “special interest”, and something I became gradually … more

October 2013

I’m getting old. I can see that. People greet me not by saying “you look … more

September 2013

The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) recently commissioned a study to counter the arguments … more

Prejudice is a funny thing. The word itself provokes a prejudiced response: either “I’m not … more

August 2013

So here in Wales all dogs are going to have to be microchipped by 2015. … more

When I graduated the cascade was new and few people had even heard of it … more

July 2013

I have been qualified for 16 years now, and all bar five months of that … more

The current news of the American NSA and British GCHQ indiscriminately stealing and using citizen … more

May 2013

Like many of us I take an interest in the happenings of the RCVS and … more

Crufts was on telly recently. My wife made me watch it (or so I’ll assert to … more

April 2013

Attitudes and opinions change gradually as we get older. I don’t normally subscribe to the … more

My phone (a Galaxy Note) is a wonderful device when I think about it. I … more

March 2013

Pricing of our services is an odd issue and one I have unresolved and conflicting … more

When I was at vet school in the nineties I reached fourth year, the last … more

February 2013

The perennial topic of comparative suicide rates in different professions came up this weekend at … more

14 mins