December 2015

If you haven’t heard the name “prepper”, a whole sub-culture is passing you by. These … more

9 mins

November 2015

As a dog and cat owner I can recognise the irony between people’s attitudes to … more

7 mins

We’re lucky to live in a lovely area of London, with plenty of open space to … more

8 mins

October 2015

“Television: the scourge of the nation, breeding ignorance and feeding radiation.” Those who recognise The Disposable … more

6 mins

Reading up on the legislation regarding working hours and the national minimum wage (NMW) I discovered … more

7 mins

September 2015

I’ve noted a growing trend for veterinary staff to laugh at client mistakes. While this … more

I was surprised to learn our local authority is getting rid of its dog warden, and that … more

5 mins

August 2015

Following the publication of my recent post about crowdfunding to pay vet bills, I got … more

3 mins

At our usual holiday destination there is an annual dog show, run by a small … more

4 mins

This year has been a challenging, but exciting, time for International Aid for the Protection … more

7 mins

July 2015

The big summer OSCE extravaganza is over. For many nursing students it's just a wait for results and then it's "RVN time". For those who need to resit (and it's never that many), the focus returns to exams.

5 mins

Should problems arise with infection control in your practice, do you want to be the one known to wear your uniform to the shops, pub, or even to human hospitals?

4 mins

June 2015

I’m seeing a rise in crowdfunding for veterinary treatment via social media. Some of it … more

5 mins

The final RCVS objective structured clinical examinations (OSCEs) for diploma nurses will be held this month, and in July City and Guilds have theirs. CQ will also have some around the end of term, too.

6 mins

May 2015

In the role of client, I found myself praised and then shamed in equal measure when … more

Due to a change in my mobility, my dog Hollie is getting a lot more short walks close to home. She's not bred for long distances so she doesn't mind this, and our local streets are nice and relatively quiet.

5 mins

April 2015

According to the RCVS there is no such thing as an unqualified veterinary nurse, and … more

4 mins

Living in a democracy is taking its toll at the moment… Sadly I’m back on … more

March 2015

Supporting a student nurse takes many forms. Peer assessment can save teachers time, improve students' understanding of course materials and improve their metacognitive skills.

3 mins

Through no fault of my own (promise) I recently found myself in a couple of … more