October 2021

“When life gives you lemons, make lemonade” goes the well-known proverb used to encourage optimism in the face of adversity. Unfortunately for Jane RVN, there are no lemons in sight…

9 mins

Closer working between veterinary and NHS nurses can improve the mental well-being of us and our patients, writes Helen Ballantyne.

18 mins

September 2021

Jane Davidson describes how she found herself turning to a previously ignored form of exercise after being forced to abandon her beloved gym sessions for health reasons.

8 mins

August 2021

Jane Davidson explains the emotions evoked by this buffet table classic...

8 mins

Building on her past blog on summer safety, Jane Davidson highlights key safety tips so you and your dog can enjoy exploring the coast.

8 mins

July 2021

The sight of a dog running along the beach and splashing excitedly into the sea is a wondrous thing to behold, but it’s not without its hazards, as Jane Davidson explains.

8 mins

Jane Davidson shares a story of determination triumphing over adversity and how the ability to understand something as essential as arithmetic doesn't come naturally to everyone.

9 mins

June 2021

Jane Davidson talks to fellow RVN-turned-PhD student Fraje Watson about her route from vet nurse to scholar, her future plans, and a handful of helpful hints and tips on how to apply for a PhD yourself.

17 mins

Jane Davidson comes to the defence of animal welfare charities, whose levels of veterinary care can easily match, if not surpass, those of private practice, despite allegations to the contrary.

8 mins

When is the best possible option not the best possible option? When it doesn't take into consideration the input of the client or the true needs of the patient, claims Jane Davidson.

7 mins

May 2021

As a former Pekingese owner, Jane Davidson uses her experience of moving to a greyhound in an effort to compare and contrast the different cost implications of owning large and small dogs.

7 mins

Many pet owners are eschewing the convenience of ready-made diets in order to take on more responsibility when it comes to nutritional choices for their pets. This can be a problem, warns @JaneRVN.

7 mins

March 2021

Jane Davidson focuses on animal welfare via her Netflix account, and wonders if a film about stress and behavioural issues in dogs and cats could become a worldwide smash.

7 mins

Having taken part in VN Times’ latest VN Happy Hour, Jane Davidson expands on how her nursing skills are helping her today – both with her studies and ahead of becoming a COVID-19 vaccinator.

8 mins

March sees Jane delve into the world of communication – and she begins by considering the names given in the medical world and what they mean in a wider forum.

9 mins

To mark International Women’s Day (8 March), emergency and critical care nurse Elle Haskey looks at the changes in veterinary nursing during the past 20 years, including the rise of female voices.

8 mins

An interaction with a fellow dog walker while out with her dog Gerry (wearing his lavendar coat and floral collar) has given Jane Davidson pause for thought on ideas around gender in society.

8 mins

February 2021

Jane Davidson introduces us to a mass named Albert and explains why, in this case, it wasn't necessary to know its scientific name or aetiology.

10 mins

January 2021

Jane Davidson explains why she's begun to make changes to the way she treats the contents of her inbox, and shares why she has taken inspiration from the past to shape her future communications.

8 mins

Jane's feline housemate has left her considering a kitty litter startup like no other... are you up for investing in her latest hare-brained scheme?

7 mins