March 2017

BVNA Welshpool regional coordinator Emma Gerrard wonders why vets do not seem to be aware of what RVNs can offer them.

6 mins

February 2017

BVNA regional coordinator Gemma Reeve looks at the importance of spreading the VN word in educational environments.

6 mins

January 2017

SVN Simon Johnson discusses the preconceptions he faces as a man in a predominately female profession and how this can be addressed in the future.

18 mins

RVN Ruth Clooney-Power files the latest entry in her bursary diary, where she tells readers how she’s getting on with the Certificate of Veterinary Nursing in Emergency and Critical Care.

4 mins

BVNA council member Jasmine Kilpatrick speaks about her first year as a diploma student VN.

6 mins

December 2016

BVNA council member Erika Feilberg takes a closer look at VNs in practice, including how they are used in the hospital she works in.

7 mins

November 2016

VN Ruth Clooney-Power, the winner of our emergency and critical care bursary competition, begins her bi-monthly update on how the course is progressing...

3 mins

Having begun her second year at the helm of the association, BVNA president Samantha Morgan speculates as to what might happen in 2016-17 and beyond.

7 mins

October 2016

Speaking in the association’s congress month, BVNA regional coordinator Emma Gerrard tells VN Times what the association means to her.

7 mins

VN Times editor Rebecca Hubbard reveals the advisory panel that will be keeping your magazine at its best, and her on her toes…

41 mins

September 2016

RVN Rebecca Wright recounts the story behind her seven-hour stint in a kennel dressed as a rabbit to help raise awareness of the animal’s welfare needs.

19 mins

In September's VN Voice, Natalie Franks, SVN at Anglia Ruskin University, talks about the initial year on her degree course.

8 mins

August 2016

BVNA president Sam Morgan’s time at Pride in London leads her to look at acceptance, in both practice and life.

6 mins

Vets and VNs can be justifiably proud of what they have achieved to improve owner understanding and knowledge of nutrition, internal and external parasites, and vaccination. Sadly, however, the same cannot be said for dental and oral care.

10 mins

July 2016

Rebecca Hubbard looks at possibilities the internet can offer nurse advocacy efforts and talks to a particularly impassioned VN on how this can be done.

12 mins

Rebecca Hubbard continues June's article on “a look at what’s occurring in practice” by hearing from more VNs about their day-to-day flea and tick treatment dealings, advice, compliance and more.

23 mins

Rebecca Hubbard, in a new series, talks to RVNs about their day-to-day work, finding out what they like and love (and maybe what they don’t) about their jobs, and what it is they get up to.

15 mins

RCVS VN council member and zoo RVN Matthew Rendle talks of the male side of the profession, where numbers are, unfortunately, dwindling.

6 mins

June 2016

The first year after qualifying as an RVN is exciting. You’ve passed your exams and your nursing progress log/clinical skills log is behind you, but, even qualified, you’re always learning – one of the great things about this profession.

6 mins

Marie Rippingale, a well-respected and highly thought of REVN, decided in 2015, after 13 years … more

15 mins