July 2020

Elizabeth Waring explains how certain plants are able to provide cats with positive environmental enrichment.

7 mins

Amy Henson explores the part food plays in how a dog behaves – and how it is often not in the way people think.

11 mins

June 2020

Amy Henson suggests ways nurses can encourage clients to keep on top of pets’ weight, nutrition and health during lockdown.

9 mins

Shakira Miles explains how veterinary nurses are ideally placed to educate people on looking after animals effectively through impactful consultations.

26 mins

May 2020

Amy Henson highlights the hazardous plants and products pet owners should be made aware of that can be found in gardens.

10 mins

With owners spending more time among their canine companions amid the coronavirus crisis, ophthalmic nursing assistant and dog behaviour counsellor Hannah Morris considers the impact on dogs during this time, and how to ensure they can readjust after lockdown.

28 mins

Sarah Pellett and Jo Hinde provide an overview of microchipping different species and discuss the importance of a vet nurse’s role in this.

7 mins

April 2020

Myra Forster-van Hijfte and Bethany Scott explain how the use of activity monitors can benefit the management of canine obesity.

38 mins

March 2020

Stacey Bullock discusses how vet nurses can help owners of elderly cats and dogs.

23 mins

Emma Gerrard takes a look at common parasites of cats and dogs, as well as their life cycles and management.

47 mins

February 2020

Nicola Ackerman details the importance of – and steps involved in – RVNs conducting a nutritional assessment in practice.

19 mins

January 2020

Laura Lacey offers practical advice on tackling this common, and often difficult, issue.

28 mins

Emma Gerrard offers advice to give to owners to avoid disaster over the Christmas holidays and what to do if it strikes.

23 mins

December 2019

Marge Chandler offers advice on pet nutrition, looking at the types of diet available, as well as understanding food labels.

35 mins

November 2019

Anne McBride discusses ways VNs can encourage owners to provide a good quality of life for senior pets by explaining how age is a physical state, but being old is a state of mind.

48 mins

Jessica Bold explains how to handle cases, why puppy parties may be the key to preventing fear and how vital it is, above all, for VNs to keep calm and carry on...

26 mins

October 2019

Clare Jones looks at dogs that have been health checked and body condition scored at local Dogs Trust events to determine whether certain factors contribute to them being overweight.

33 mins

Emma Gerrard offers guidance on dealing with animals during the perioperative period – from medicines and equipment, pain management and infection control to hygiene and isolation protocols, and owner advice.

32 mins

September 2019

Esme Hawkes summarises the problems parasites can cause in pets, along with what VNs can do to help get owners on board with protecting their pets – and potentially gain further qualifications for themselves in the process.

20 mins

July 2019

Nadia Wiseman discusses the importance of keeping owners of the UK's third most popular pet informed and up to date with their welfare needs.

34 mins