Vet Times articles

The latest veterinary content produced by Vet Times, covering topics such as Companion animal, Equine, Exotics, Farm animal, Welfare and General.

July 2016

Babesiosis is an emerging threat to UK pets. Make sure you get the latest independent information here to help you tackle this.

38 mins

The threat from ticks and tick-borne diseases is changing. Get the latest independent information here.

51 mins

June 2016

Lyme disease is relatively new but growing threat for both pets and people in the UK. Get independent up-to-date information here to help you tackle this.

41 mins

May 2016

REVN Marie Rippingale recalls a case of equine atypical myoglobinuria, detailing the pivotal nursing required to get the crossbreed back to full health.

22 mins

VN Times editor Rebecca Hubbard continues her delve into the digital realm by talking to International Cat Care about why its Cat Friendly Clinic initiative and website is worthwhile.

26 mins

Our knowledge of ticks and tick borne diseases is growing, but so are the risks. Get informed and find out how you can fight against ticks now.

20 mins

April 2016

Lynne Kerrigan suggests ways VNs can advise and assist dog and cat owners in helping geriatric pets live life to the full in their senior years.

28 mins

Laura Rosewell discusses how VNs’ actions and protocols are essential in preventing disease spread in practice, in the second of a two-part article.

17 mins

Ear infections are among the top 10 reasons dogs are presented to vets, but treating otitis externa can be a challenge.

6 mins

March 2016

Nicola Ackerman looks at an RVN’s microchipping role in light of new legislation coming into force.

20 mins

Rebecca Hubbard in a new series, delves into the digital world to find websites, apps, forums and noticeboards to help and inspire VNs in work and play.

16 mins

The EDGE programmes from Vets Now are not only exciting and fun but they provide the ideal springboard for a career in EEC.

7 mins

February 2016

The first and most important aspect to remember when dealing with hens is they are … more

20 mins

December 2015

Laura Rosewell details the VN’s critical role in helping stop infection in practice and measures to adopt in surgical environments.

29 mins

November 2015

Can you guarantee your clients will give antibiotics responsibly? Poor compliance is likely to compromise … more

ABSTRACT As veterinary nurses, we readily advise clients about the additional needs of elderly animals … more

27 mins

A key step towards responsible antibiotic use is selecting the appropriate antibiotic. Responsible use will … more

October 2015

When receiving a wildlife casualty in practice, it is extremely important to record details to gain … more

6 mins

September 2015

Nicola Ackerman reviews general management advice that can be shared with owners of rabbits and small furries to help sustain pet well-being.

18 mins

A team approach is critical for a successful outcome following any abdominal surgery. The team … more

21 mins