EMS is an essential part of veterinary learning, but, as vet student Eleanor Goad points out, coronavirus has led to a lack of this essential source of preclinical and clinical experience for many students.
While lockdown has seen many elements of life come to a standstill, UK vet students are still studying and revising. As such, blogger Eleanor Goad offers some tips for optimising the “home learning” experience.
“We know… that these offers will be attractive, but we are deeply concerned that it devalues the skills and knowledge that have been built up throughout the degree” – AVS president Izzie Arthur.
The first job in practice can present various challenges and levels of change. But, as David Charles explains, you are not alone in tackling them – so use your networks of family, friends, peers and colleagues; and plan some “great escapes”.
Without even knowing it, pets are helping us through some potentially isolating and scary times. Eleanor Goad explains why we need to return that kindness…
“It’s an incredibly exciting event, bringing together expertise from all different continents to showcase all the things you can be in veterinary medicine” – veterinary leader Melanie Barham.
“It gives me something else to focus on and improve my cake-making skills, but although I love Bake Off, I am not sure I could cope with the stress” – Holly Sutton, final-year veterinary student.
“The sessions provide a safe space for students to come together, share their ideas and feel part of a supportive veterinary community” – Carolyne Crowe, VDS Training.
While she waits for somebody to switch the world back on again, student Eleanor Goad offers her thoughts on beating the lockdown blues and remaining positive in these exceptional times.
Riddled with guilt for condemning childhood pal Flopsy to a life of loneliness, Eleanor Goad realises that, when it comes to understanding certain pets, we still have a long way to go.
Not everything is as straightforward as it seems in the confusing world of veterinary recruitment. Here, former AVS president David Charles offers a beginner’s guide to translating graduate job ad jargon.
Vet student Eleanor Goad argues it’s important to fight the natural instinct that comes with being a vet, and to recognise that just because something can go wrong, doesn’t mean it will.
What should students ask in a job interview? Gerardo Poli offers some examples of questions that will challenge interviewers and help give a positive impression.