Vet Times articles

The latest veterinary content produced by Vet Times, covering topics such as Companion animal, Equine, Exotics, Farm animal, Welfare and General.

May 2022

Moranne Frejlich, MRCVS, outlines the clinical signs and diagnosis of this common condition, and the treatment options available.

30 mins

Collette Dempsey and Miguel Martinez argue for the consideration of these processes when treating cancer in pets.

31 mins

Simon Tappin MA, VetMB CertSAM, DipECVIM-CA, FRCVS raises awareness of some of the most common diseases threatening UK animals travelling in Europe.

37 mins

Helen Sumner recalls two patients suffering from this rare condition, and the steps taken to diagnose and treat them.

30 mins

Sarah Caney notes research updates on this condition, and explains how professionals can support pets and pet owners.

31 mins

April 2022

Mark Patterson and Anna Beber, in the second of a two-part article, offer a practical guide to the use of this medication in canine heart disease.

42 mins

Danièlle Gunn-Moore BSc(Hons), BVM&S, PhD, MANZCVS, FHEA, FRSB, FRCVS and Michelle Moore BA(Hons), MA discuss the benefits of simplifying the names for feline idiopathic cystitis and cognitive dysfunction syndrome.

18 mins

Anna Tauro DVM, GPCert(Neuro), DipECVN, MRCVS and Adelina Proteasa DVM, PhD, PGCert(SAS), MRCVS recount the case of a feline patient and discuss the law against such weapons.

18 mins

Diana Ferreira explores some of the latest research and innovations in the treatment of skin conditions in dogs and cats.

18 mins

Mark Patteson and Anna Beber cover the evidence for using this medication to treat the most common canine congenital heart disease.

29 mins

Simona Radaelli outlines how to diagnose this disorder, including the classification of seizures, and how it can be treated.

52 mins

Bart Ropelewski endeavours to grow the understanding of Chiari-like malformations, their clinical presentation and treatment options.

25 mins

Nuria Quesada Vicent comprehensively covers the various pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical therapies currently available to vets.

79 mins

Ferran Valls Sanchez discusses evidence behind the aetiology of this disease in dogs and whether anything can be done.

13 mins

Despite research associating gastric lavage with worse patient outcomes, Gerardo Poli says some uncommon cases may benefit from the technique.

6 mins

March 2022

Quentin Fournier DVM, DipECVIM-CA(Oncology), MRCVS shares a case study where advanced ultrasound technology provided the basis for a successful procedure.

11 mins

Alex Gough MA, VetMB, CertSAM, CertVC, PGCert(Neuroimaging), MRCVS reports on some of the latest research in companion animal medicine.

21 mins

Rachel Hattersley describes the six-step approach to planning surgery for maximising patient outcome – including consideration of tissue type and the biological behaviour of the lesion in decision-making.

33 mins

With a treatment now available, Emi Barker describes the diagnostic pathway for identifying positive cases, and explains which cats are more likely to raise suspicion of having the virus and the need for vets to include it on the differential diagnosis list when sick cats are presented…

1 mins

Ahead of his lecture on this topic at BSAVA Congress, Matt Gurney discusses his early experiences of using this treatment approach and explains how the role of nerve growth factor is an untapped pathway in the management of this disease…

1 mins