Vet Times articles

The latest veterinary content produced by Vet Times, covering topics such as Companion animal, Equine, Exotics, Farm animal, Welfare and General.

July 2021

Renata Stavinohova and James Oliver offer a detailed description of basic and more advanced surgical procedures to address eyelid tumours in dogs and cats.

42 mins

June 2021

Anais Allen-Deal discusses the diagnostic approach and management of dogs with this commonly seen emergency condition.

22 mins

Dave Beeston BVetMed(Hons), PGDip(VCP), MRCVS discusses how social media can come into its own in and be a force for good in veterinary situations.

Stuart Carmichael BVMS, MVM, DSAO, FRCVS begins this two-part article by discussing ways of making better use of clinical findings to improve vigilance of this issue.

33 mins

Latest research for companion animal veterinary medicine is reviewed by Alex Gough in his latest column in Vet Times.

19 mins

Diego Rodrigo Mocholi looks at the analgesia nociception index in dogs and cats, as well as research into staging and locomotor activity tools.

46 mins

Ian Wright takes five examples of UK zoonoses associated with cats and dogs, their current status and methods of control.

55 mins

Francesco Cian delves into another Diagnostic Dilemmas, this time for the case of a two-year-old neutered, female Yorkshire terrier with a history of weaness and lethargy.

12 mins

Sarah Caney BVSc, PhD, DSAM(Feline), MRCVS discusses the importance of regular tests in feline patients and offers tips on how to carry this out while social distancing.

27 mins

May 2021

Kit Sturgess MA, VetMB, PhD, CertVR, DSAM, CertVC, FRCVS provides an overview of hypothyroidism, diabetes, hypoadrenocorticism and hyperadrenocorticism.

26 mins

Lotfi El Bahri DVM, MSc, PhD, discusses the case of a Labrador that swallowed the contents of a tube it shouldn’t have in this latest from the occasional Case Notes series.

33 mins

Jenny Stavisky discusses a project providing free veterinary care to homeless and vulnerably housed pet owners in Nottingham in the latest Examination Room.

24 mins

Mike Guilliard and Richard Doughty provide an overview of these skin lesions before sharing findings of the surgical techniques used to treat them.

31 mins

Diego Rodrigo Mocholi discusses three types of therapy that will be of importance in the near future.

40 mins

Karen Perry discusses two commonly encountered causes of lameness in cats, and evaluates the experience and literature base used to direct diagnosis and treatment.

77 mins

Lotfi El Bahri, DVM, MSc, PhD, lookins at a case of poisoning in a male Chihuahua in this Case Notes article.

21 mins

April 2021

Local anaesthesia is becoming increasingly utilised in canine dental treatment to improve analgesia during painful … more

21 mins

Luca Ferasin describes this common cause of congestive heart failure in dogs – including diagnostic investigation, and treatment of stable and refractory cases.

57 mins

Gianmarco Cornacchini and Toby Gemmill present the case study of Coco, a two-year-old female, neutered springer spaniel.

18 mins

In his latest ECC Endeavours column, Dave Beeston provides some advice for getting a good night's sleep.

30 mins