Sarah Caney emphasises the need for regular preventive health checks for this age group of felines, as well as the ways vets can advise owners to improve their care at home
Conor O’Halloran, Danièlle Gunn-moore and Petra Černá discuss the features of an increasingly encountered clinical condition in companion animal practice and the treatment options available.
Chiari-like malformation, suture knots, cancer detection and feline infectious peritonitis are among the topics under the microscope in Alex Gough’s latest Research Review for Vet Times.
Francesco Cian details the case of a six-year-old German shepherd dog presented for the presence of small bilateral corneal opacity and pigmentation in the ventro-lateral limbus of both eyes.
John Innes BVSc, PhD, CertVR, DSAS(Orth), FRCVS in the first of this two-part series, considers how the right radiographic approach can enhance care for dogs.
Alex Gough MA, VetMB, CertSAM, CertVC, PGCert(Neuroimaging), MRCVS looks at a trial comparing GI bleeding in dogs with a form of prednisone and a placebo, plus other studies, in his latest Research Review.