Alex Gough MA, VetMB, CertSAM, CertVC, PGCert(Neuroimaging), MRCVS reports on research by Glanemann et al on an unusually large number of cats with severe pancytopenia in 2021 in his latest Research Review.
“We've got a whole generation of vets who have never seen Demodex in real life, which is amazing – but it also means that they don’t think to check for it.”
“I think, historically, dentistry has always been the underdog of the veterinary world. I think a lot of vet practitioners out there would agree that the teaching they've had at university has been pretty minimal.”
With an increasing number of cases since January 2023, the authors urge serological testing of cats to avoid its spread outside of Cyprus, and the implementation of travel requirements for animals travelling to the UK.
Alex Gough MA, VetMB, CertSAM, CertVC, PGCert(Neuroimaging), MRCVS, looks at several more pieces of veterinary research in his latest Vet Times column.