Vet Times articles

The latest veterinary content produced by Vet Times, covering topics such as Companion animal, Equine, Exotics, Farm animal, Welfare and General.

October 2022

Emma Baker BVetMed, MSc, MRCVS, and Emma Brown, BVSc, PGDip, CCAB, MRCVS in the second of a two-part article, describe long-term treatment options.

33 mins

Kathryn Ling BVSc, CertVC, GPCert(SAS), MRCVS recalls a year with the Advanced Clinical Services Network around Hampshire.

16 mins

Thomas Webb suggests user-friendly tools can be used by owners to combat this common disease in companion dogs.

23 mins

Stephanie Hedges BSc(Hons), RVN, CCAB explains how the lockdowns have impacted young dogs’ socialisation skills and how this can be rectified.

13 mins

Mónica Guerrero Méndez, MRCVS, outlines her successful approach to treating this condition in an eight-year-old female cocker spaniel.

38 mins

Ross Allan BVMS, PGCertSAS, MRCVS presents the case of Fergie, an eight-year-old 5kg Jack Russell that presented with a history of weight loss and bilateral hindlimb lameness.

Liz Buchanan BVSc, MRCVS explains, in the first part of a new series, that when errors occur as a young vet, it’s best to own up.

21 mins

Alex Gough MA, VetMB, CertSAM, CertVC, PGCert(Neuroimaging), MRCVS, presents the latest research in veterinary medicine from his Vet Times column.

20 mins

September 2022

Ian Wright discusses some of the important points members of vet teams can raise with clients about all-year risks.

39 mins

Silvia Cugat PgCertWBIS, MRCVS, Oliver Marsh BVM, BVS, MRCVS and Ane Uriarte DipECVN, DVM, EBVS, MRCVS share a case report outlining a successful surgical procedure in a 17-year-old cat

35 mins

A five-year-old male English springer spaniel presented for recent onset of lethargy. On clinical examination, … more

8 mins

Paul Imrie, head of content, Vet Times, reports on some of the ideas shared with delegates at a BVA Live debate

Emi Barker BSc(Hons), BVSc(Hons), PhD, PGCertTLHE, DipECVIM-CA, MRCVS explains how coughing diseases are spread and which lessons from the pandemic can be applied to animal care.

32 mins

Samantha Taylor explains how professionals can encourage felids to eat and why it is important to act rather than wait.

38 mins

Bartosz Ropelewski – referencing a case – covers the clinical symptoms, diagnostics and treatment options of this intervertebral condition.

12 mins

August 2022

Alexander Bartlett BA, VetMB, MRCVS and Lauren Walker BSc(Hons) recount the case of a 23-day-old female Jack Russell terrier-poodle cross puppy that presented due to being unable to weight bear on her splayed hindlimbs

10 mins

Zach Norton describes how to recognise the symptoms of this neurodegenerative disease and takes a look at the various treatments aimed at delaying degeneration and improving quality of life for patients.

23 mins

Tim Charlesworth explains how this condition forms in young dogs, and how clinicians can successfully diagnose and treat it.

15 mins

Robert Weekes BVSc, MRCVS and Gerald Olivares DVM, MVetMed, DipACVIM, MRCVS discuss the case of a four-year-old male neutered border collie in this Case Notes piece from Vet Times.

21 mins

Mike Davies discusses how veterinary professionals can work with owners to reverse and prevent this major issue in UK pets.

17 mins