Sarah Smith and Veronica Roberts aim to clarify where the latest research can help us and aid in highlighting emerging threats, and they also cover imaging innovations.
Alison Bennell and Jodie Hughes discuss the importance of familiarity with drugs and protocols, and good organisation and forward planning, in a stress-free anaesthesia in the field.
Jacqueline Matthews reviews the types of endoparasites impacting on horse health, each one's proliferation, new diagnostic protocols and strategies to gain owner compliance.
Lara Gosling, Jonathon Dixon and David Rendle discuss using thoracic radiography and ultrasonography to identify and monitor progression of this disease.
Emily Haggett attempts to offer assistance to fellow clinicians on a number of aspects, including signalment, history taking, clinical examination and treatment.
Nicola Menzies-Gow discusses a slowly progressive neurodegenerative disease with loss of dopaminergic (inhibitory) input to the melanotropes of the pituitary pars intermedia.