Vet Times articles

The latest veterinary content produced by Vet Times, covering topics such as Companion animal, Equine, Exotics, Farm animal, Welfare and General.

January 2018

Philip Ivens discusses this common eye disease in horses, highlighting its subclinical insidious form and how to identify it.

30 mins

December 2017

Russell Parker describes non-septic and septic osteitis in horses, considering the signs, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis.

29 mins

Rachel Agass and Barny Fraser describe conditions affecting joints in horses, while also considering various diagnostic and treatment methods.

45 mins

November 2017

Elizabeth Jackson discusses a study into professionals’ perceptions of how this method helps organisational aspects of practice.

29 mins

David Rendle outlines the causes, development, symptoms and treatment options for this neurological condition in horses (includes video content).

Belinda Rose discusses the use of ovulatory induction agents and post-covering treatments in reducing early pregnancy loss in horses.

29 mins

October 2017

Harriet Coates discusses the use of alpha₂-adrenoceptor agonists in equines and some of the side effects that can occur.

40 mins

Jonathan Anderson looks at the anatomy of the distal phalanx and hoof before describing related foot conditions in the horse.

43 mins

Alex Draper reviews pain management thinking for equines in the latest Practice Notes column in Veterinary Times.

19 mins

September 2017

Aimi Duff highlights the main disease threats to the UK equine population, their transmission and clinical symptoms.

39 mins

David Rendle discusses measures he considers should be taken to manage obesity in horses, in the first of a two-part article.

50 mins

Sue Dyson reviews literature related to aspects of this issue, in light of clinical experiences and limited evidence-based data.

29 mins

August 2017

Liz Mitchell discusses setting up individual and yard health plans with equine owners to help prevent disease spread.

22 mins

Andy Durham describes the advantages of using this diagnostic imaging technique when undergoing eye examination in horses.

21 mins

David Rendle and Harry Carslake discuss methods of diagnosing horses with this condition, assessing the positives and challenges of each one.

69 mins

July 2017

Lara Gosling, Jonathon Dixon and David Rendle – in the first of a two-part article – review sampling of the lower airway tract.

36 mins

This article reviews the basics of the physiology and pathophysiology of pain, before focusing on the tools to recognise it in our equine patients.

67 mins

Common physiological and pathological murmurs and dysrhythmias found in the horse, when to undertake further diagnostic procedures and what the likely consequences may be regarding pathological disease for future performance and safety for ridden work are covered in this article.

40 mins

This article provides a summary of selected clinically relevant publications on diagnostic methods, imaging and rehabilitation of equine lameness published in the past 12 months, as well as new information related to diagnostic imaging of the suspensory ligament.

27 mins

Alex Draper asks how much weight is too much for horses to carry – and how you raise the sensitive topic with larger owners.

21 mins