Vet Times articles

The latest veterinary content produced by Vet Times, covering topics such as Companion animal, Equine, Exotics, Farm animal, Welfare and General.

August 2016

Imogen Burrows, in the third of six reports, discusses the reality of whether a world without antibiotics could exist and reasons behind explosive rates of their resistance

8 mins

Richard Meers, in the second of six reports, discusses the benefits and opportunities of offering dental services for horses.

10 mins

Glen Cousquer describes how a locally produced humane tether and changes to working practices, are making progress to end the suffering of Moroccan donkeys and mules.

12 mins

July 2016

An occupational hazard for many horses that perform intensely, exercise-induced pulmonary haemorrhage has huge financial implications for the racing industry, as well as being a serious animal welfare issue. The author discusses the clinical signs, impact on performance, pathophysiology, risk factors and preventive strategies for a limiting and potentially serious condition in performance horses.

26 mins

Oesophageal obstruction, or choke, is a common clinical presentation in the horse with many causes, which can be categorised into intraluminal, intramural, extramural and functional disorders. Here, the author covers causes, clinical signs, diagnosis, complications and preventive strategies.

19 mins

Horses are second only to humans as the most travelled creatures on the planet, with global competitions and international movement for breeding now commonplace. With such large-scale travel comes the potential for infections and disease to spread. Philip Ivens reviews three diseases of equines – west Nile disease, equine infectious anaemia and equine herpes myeloencephalopathy.

25 mins

Jonathan Anderson looks at how to diagnose whether the underlying cause for any particular horse's lameness is orthopaedic or neurological, including distinguishing the ataxic from the lame horse.

33 mins

In this article, Hany Elsheikha discusses the most common equine parasitic infections and the current options for their management, with emphasis on the importance of horse owner education and engagement.

31 mins

Clare Penter, in the first of six reports, looks at XLEquine’s Picture of Health campaign and how equine practitioners are able to benefit from a focus on the healthy horse.

8 mins

Charlotte Maile says it's not just the NHS dealing with an increasingly ageing population, with equine vets seeing more older horses than ever.

12 mins

Nicola Menzies-Gow discusses approaches to this abdominal condition in equines, including pain relief, fluid therapy, antiendotoxic therapy and motility stimulants.

31 mins

June 2016

Barny Fraser looks at efficacy differences between previous and existing equine foot lameness therapeutic options.

33 mins

Alex Thiemann reflects on an event that considered ways of improving donkey and mule welfare in isolated parts of Europe.

17 mins

Veronica Roberts looks at some of the possible causes of weight loss in horses, using gastrointestinal disease as the main focus, and suggests ways of testing for its origin.

26 mins

Suzanne Rogers and Lisa Lanfear discuss the issues surrounding tethering in a Welsh community and if, in this case, it is preferable to stables.

12 mins

May 2016

Emily Haggett summarises diagnosis and possible treatment and prevention options for equine stomach ulcers – a common problem for the performance horse industry.

26 mins

David Rendle looks at targeted worming in equines and considers the factors involved when employing faecal worm egg counts, such as handling and different methods.

26 mins

Laura Jones and Sue Dyson look at the impact of temperament, mood, emotional reaction and the relationship between a horse and its rider on an equine’s athletic ability and performance.

36 mins

Malcolm Weetman, Tim Watson, Rosemary Brown, Max Murray and Tony Davies study the effects a wheat germ extract supplement has on oestrus and associated bad behaviour in horses, and monitor it as the seasons change.

28 mins

Jonathan Anderson discusses the range of tendon injuries that can lead to a loss of potential in performance horses, as well as various therapies that help reduce recovery time.

59 mins