Nicola Menzies-Gow looks at severe equine asthma (SEA), a naturally occurring chronic inflammatory lower airway disease in adult (seven years or older) equids.
Colic Awareness Week 2022 (3 to 9 October) is part of the REACT Now to Beat Colic campaign, run by The British Horse Society in conjunction with the University of Nottingham.
David Rendle BVSc, MVM, CertEM(IntMed), DipECEIM, FRCVS outlines treatment and management options for issues related to laminitis and pituitary pars intermedia in equids.
Karin Kruger BVSc, DipACVIM, MRCVS outlines the various clinical signs of this condition blighting horses – especially sport horses – as well as how to treat it.
David Rendle, BVSc, MVM, CertEM(IntMed), DipECEIM, FRCVS and Tamzin Furtado BA(Hons), PhD consider psychology and parasitology in this article about educating clients
Lucy Grieve discusses the impact of this “taboo subject” on the UK equine population, as well as how vets can empower owners of overweight horses to make achievable changes.
Karin Kruger runs the rule over some of the latest research and guidance on anaesthetic protocols, standing sedation, short and long-term analgesia, and pain scoring systems equine vets can consider.
A bacterial equid disease predominately of the upper respiratory tract, strangles biosecurity and identifying infectious horses are key to preventing it. Development of a novel vaccine has added to the equine vet’s toolbox – as Philip Ivens explains.