October 2015

Forensic veterinary medicine covers the range of animals with which veterinary surgeons are involved. Cases … more

28 mins

NAME: Stephanie Small AGE: 28. QUALIFICATIONS: BVSc, MRCVS. POSITION: Veterinary advisor, Norbrook Laboratories (GB). JOB … more

10 mins

The year revolves and as summer ends it seems to pivot around the Royal Albert … more

16 mins

It’s a short drive in Nepali terms from Kathmandu to Chitwan – a mere five … more

15 mins

I thought it might be helpful to spend more time on the options for those … more

15 mins

Just when I thought we’d made all the necessary arrangements for a family holiday based … more

13 mins

Consulting is an art, not a science. No matter how well you know your medicine … more

8 mins

I have a sense of great excitement and anticipation every time I travel to Nepal. … more

34 mins

Doctors make the worst patients. After spending more than a year as a patient I … more

14 mins

September 2015

The latest generation of pet owners have grown up with the internet and it’s the … more

13 mins

Head trauma is often associated with severe morbidity and mortality. In a retrospective case series, … more

9 mins

NAME: Ashley Gray AGE: 42. QUALIFICATIONS: MA, VetMB, PhD, MRCVS POSITION: Managing director, Vetsure. BRIEF CV: I graduated from the … more

18 mins

Back in July, Radio 4 broadcast a programme comparing the “patient journey” of those in … more

16 mins

Veterinary practices across the UK are about to welcome new graduates embarking on their first … more

26 mins

Last year in China, while at Zhejiang University Veterinary Hospital, Hangzhou after winning the BSAVA … more

15 mins

A big dairy farming story of late is the decision by the Caffè Nero coffee … more

11 mins

When Carl Boyde entered practice in 1952 after graduating from the RVC, he could not … more

19 mins

Recently I met up with some of my university friends. This doesn’t happen as often … more

14 mins

Around 10 years ago (it seems more, but recently time seems to have fewer divides) … more

13 mins

August 2015

Further to my previous article (VT45.34) where I introduced you to my first experiences with … more

22 mins