Vet Times articles

The latest veterinary content produced by Vet Times, covering topics such as Companion animal, Equine, Exotics, Farm animal, Welfare and General.

January 2010

Etienne O’Brien, Roger K W Smith provide research updates in equine tendon injury treatment using … more

37 mins

Bradley Viner A practitioner’ s musings about everything specific and nothing in general
 PERIPATETIC wanderings … more

12 mins

Maggie Shilcock offers suggestions for making the best use of waiting room displays to educate … more

11 mins

THIS column’s 10th year is, like its first, an election year. This time, the date … more

16 mins

December 2009

Gerald coles explains how the very real prospect of anthelmintic resistance could prove to have … more

21 mins

Hany M Elsheikha explains how greater cooperation between the veterinary and scientific communities could yield … more

48 mins

RESEARCHERS from the Animal Health Trust and University of Liverpool have identified the genetic mutation … more

4 mins

Karen coumbe presents the story of one beneficiary of the Veterinary Benevolent Fund, then appeals … more

14 mins

LORNA JORDAN-OWERS describes the benefits of CPD sessions amid the snow-capped mountains of Switzerland, providing … more

14 mins

ROBIN FEARON discovers the commercial opportunities available in using the DNA of large cattle populations … more

22 mins

SOME words of wisdom are memorable, but, sadly for those who utter them, their provenance … more

13 mins

FRANCESCA RICCOMINI explains the importance of selling the right product to suit individual client’s needs … more

22 mins

SIMON SWIFT describes how, in many cases of dilated cardiomyopathy, genetic factors are increasingly thought … more

28 mins

ROGER EVANS communicates his belief that veterinarians and farmers need to work together to solve … more

14 mins

ALEX GOUGH reveals research ranging from parasites to road traffic accidents – and even Hallowe’en THORACIC radiography … more

11 mins

Christmas has no religious significance to me, but every year around mid-December I decide I … more

12 mins

Martin Baker describes common causes and symptoms of musculoskeletal injury caused by ultrasound scanning, and … more

27 mins

IT is not only London’s mayor Boris Johnson who uses oldfashioned phrases like “tosh” and … more

15 mins

Judith Roberts discusses methods of pain management, which includes an approach to multimodal pain relief … more

30 mins

THE season of benevolence is on us: Giftmastide. And to get it off to a … more

18 mins