Vet Times articles

The latest veterinary content produced by Vet Times, covering topics such as Companion animal, Equine, Exotics, Farm animal, Welfare and General.

September 2009

A WELSH Assembly Government campaign to eradicate a tapeworm commonly found in farm dogs that … more

3 mins

RETURNING from a weekend trip to Switzerland, my wife and I investigated the fridge to … more

10 mins

Bradley Viner A practitioner’s musings about everything specific and nothing in general… I WENT to … more

13 mins

HANY M ELSHEIKHA and MARY G ROSSANO explain why they think a fresh approach to … more

35 mins

THIS book would be a very useful addition to any veterinary practice library, and would … more

7 mins

Kelly Bowlt Blacklock explains why complementary therapies merit investigation, and outlines how integrating owners into decisions can improve outcomes

46 mins

Mike Guilliard discusses hip dysplasia in dogs and how the popularity of a hip improvement … more

19 mins

Roger Evans Shropshire farmer pushes ajar the political door to 2030 and sniffs wet, brown … more

13 mins

Lesa Longley presents information on reducing anaesthetic risks and offers appropriate protocols to follow.

21 mins

Jackie Casey presents diagnostic tests for thyroid disease in cats and dogs, and suggests suitable … more

19 mins

Barry Cameron describes what it took to prepare himself for the gruelling event and race … more

21 mins

Time was when the BVA conference was the profession’s highlight. It provided the reinforcement of … more

13 mins

Shelley Down presents a two-part article that provides an overview of the management of equine … more

41 mins

Stephanie Dakin reports on equine surgical developments presented and discussed at the annual ECVS scientific … more

13 mins

David Appleby, Brian Hosie issue a stern riposte to a media industry that they believe … more

27 mins

Scott Miller describes MONA UK’s rescue mission to Gran Canaria to save a chimpanzee from … more

24 mins

Jenny Moffett talks to three veterinary practitioners who have hung up their surgical scrubs for … more

18 mins

Maggie Shilcock describes how good teamwork in your practice is better for staff, clients and … more

16 mins

JUST as the Proms began, one of our leading conductors, together with his wife, exercised … more

17 mins

AN animal welfare charity has received nearly £600,000 to fund development of a rapid testing … more

8 mins