Vet Times articles

The latest veterinary content produced by Vet Times, covering topics such as Companion animal, Equine, Exotics, Farm animal, Welfare and General.

June 2009

Gery Polton discusses effective approaches to veterinary chemotherapy – an area of increasing interest A 2008 survey … more

33 mins

THIS is a new text edited by two distinguished and wellknown exotic pet clinicians, and … more

6 mins

NOAH has been in contact with European parliamentary candidates ahead of the upcoming elections to … more

2 mins

Kathryn Chappell suggests methods to decrease animal stress through appropriate kennel accommodation A WEALTH of … more

26 mins

Brigitte Reusch describes an underweight lizard that was treated with ultrasonic scaling and dietary modification, … more

19 mins

Eluned (Ellie) Salisbury continues the story of Elsi the border collie, recovered from her illness … more

22 mins

Kathy Anzuino believes that despite the challenges and possible controversy, farm animal welfare debates have … more

40 mins

Matthew Gurney discusses the importance of injection location and needle placement for this pathway of … more

24 mins

THIS well-presented book contains a vast amount of information that will be beneficial to a … more

7 mins

BVA president Nicky Paull has praised the Welsh Assembly Government’s approach to tackling bovine TB. … more

1 mins

Owners of exotic pets frequently expect veterinary clinicians to take blood samples and interpret results … more

26 mins

THE Government has launched a consultation that aims to improve the welfare standards of racing … more

5 mins

Roger Wilkinson reports on a case study where poisoning by an oxidising agent and methaemoglobinaemia … more

18 mins

Martin Atkinson debates the prevention versus vaccination issue in the first of a two-part article, … more

29 mins

LIKE all professions, we have our share of weirdos – people with ideas cast in concrete and … more

16 mins

VETERINARY staff have taken advantage of PR and broadcast media seminars to help promote their … more

3 mins

Janice Houghton-Wallace shares her expertise on successfully raising these inquisitive birds as interesting family pets … more

21 mins

Gemma Hopkins relates an informative meeting where common beliefs on mitral valve disease were challenged … more

17 mins

May 2009

Maggie Shilcock explains why keeping a new employee is just as important as the recruitment … more

19 mins

BRITAIN still has a love affair with the Victorian era. Somehow, the period still holds … more

13 mins