Vet Times articles

The latest veterinary content produced by Vet Times, covering topics such as Companion animal, Equine, Exotics, Farm animal, Welfare and General.

May 2009

Martin Atkinson recalls the ethereal tale of a little girl who is felt to haunt … more

22 mins

Robin Fearon talks to Jonathan Rushton about his new role as a senior lecturer, as … more

19 mins

Nick Henderson reports on the University of Edinburgh’s grand plans for future development of its … more

6 mins

April 2009

ROBIN FEARON explores how veterinary surgeons taking the plunge into start-up practices are sharing advice … more

29 mins

FRANCESCA RICCOMINI advises a careful approach when taking on a new patient already on a … more

23 mins

ALBA CARRERAS, LARA MATIASEK present a brief review of neurological disorders affecting the UK’s feline … more

45 mins

PRACTITIONERS, VNs and students have celebrated a successful biennial conference of the Veterinary Christian Fellowship … more

3 mins

Sue Paterson describes how owner education is a key part of managing this midge-borne condition, whose incidence is set to peak in the warmer months.

18 mins

WILLIAM LEWIS describes a case where ultrasound examination of a young dog with acute-onset haematuria … more

11 mins

OLI VINER finds himself endeared to the charms of two pedigree dog breeds – and a dog … more

13 mins

Sue Manning describes changing opinions about the anatomy and physiology relating to this condition, and … more

27 mins

“I’m begging you – anything but the thermometer!” was the winning entry for the RCVS Trust’s caption … more

1 mins

Frank Busch starts a two-part article considering the ethics involved with religious slaughter by detailing … more

39 mins

Katharine M Evans explains how a few simple precautions can help to reduce some of … more

23 mins

THE RCVS Trust is seeking to appoint a veterinarian with an interest in undergraduate veterinary … more

4 mins

Roger Evans finds he has probably been touched by all of the issues raised in … more

15 mins

Gillian Hick recounts a demanding day in the life of a busy vet, juggling parenthood … more

14 mins

AN 11-year-old, neutered female domestic short-haired cat presented with a history of halitosis and difficulty … more

3 mins

DEFRA has launched a plan to improve the health of honey bees, after an independent … more

1 mins

Kelly Bowlt Blacklock compares normal joints to those afflicted with osteoarthritis, and explains diagnostic tests that can be used to detect this debilitating condition.

24 mins