Vet Times articles

The latest veterinary content produced by Vet Times, covering topics such as Companion animal, Equine, Exotics, Farm animal, Welfare and General.

February 2009

Mhairi Cameron discusses the difficulties of providing a 24-hour home service, and owners’ misconceptions FOLLOWING … more

41 mins

Nigel Dougherty delves deep into a jungle in Thailand, and is a spectator to its … more

37 mins

THERE are many twitchers in our profession stalking the countryside with their monoculars to seek … more

12 mins

Tim Mockford believes education about anatomy and effects is vital when deciding if a horse … more

28 mins

Nicky Paull outlines new CPD and insurance services on offer to the BVA’s Young Vet … more

7 mins

Roger Evans reflects on how the TB situation is affecting him, his farming peers and … more

14 mins

Christopher Chesney reports on how the sixth World Congress of Veterinary Dermatology had plenty to … more

25 mins

Ahmed Artan Mohamed describes the work he carries out on behalf of the charity to … more

27 mins

Mark Goodman explains how a trip to a water sports centre not only proved fun … more

25 mins

JOY LOUISE AGAR examines the EU’s Animal Health Strategy and discusses whether it improves prospects … more

16 mins

JANE COATESWORTH describes signs that offer clues to the diagnosis and depth of these infections, … more

21 mins

ALEX GOUGH reports on advances in prognosis, canine collapse and the possibility that dogs appear … more

13 mins

DAN FORSTER discusses the spectrum of disorders under this clinical umbrella and emphasises the value … more

25 mins

CLAIRE MILLINGTON issues a reminder about the perils of not paying retention fees and the … more

23 mins

LISA GARDBAUM discusses how IBD in cats can be difficult to distinguish from lymphoma, and … more

26 mins

JENY MOFFETT discusses treatment options – including dietary adjustments – for these conditions, which can have significant … more

23 mins

THERE is an age-old adage that states that, in times of economic prosperity, we need … more

14 mins

THE RSPCA is appealing for information after five dead dogs with multiple injuries were found … more

2 mins

Gayle Hallowell and Timothy J Potter assess a clinical condition that can cause problems in … more

19 mins

Chris Whipp compares traditional and self-directed learning, using the new CertAVP (VetGP) as an example … more

16 mins