Vet Times articles

The latest veterinary content produced by Vet Times, covering topics such as Companion animal, Equine, Exotics, Farm animal, Welfare and General.

January 2009

THE BBC pulled off a major coup with Pedigree Dogs Exposed, its documentary about breed … more

15 mins

Catherine Dunnet cuts through the hype surrounding mycotoxins, and evaluates scientific evidence behind the problem, … more

34 mins

Luke Gamble recounts team Gamble’s mission to save the animals of a refugee camp in … more

25 mins

Catherine Le Bars searches for a celestial presence as she’s faced with angelic healers, a … more

14 mins

TAMMY GILLIAN recalls the highs and lows of a high-altitude epic adventure for charity, and … more

19 mins

IAN LOWERY explores the highly alcoholic approach to bygone veterinary medicine, and reveals his bold … more

14 mins

MIRIAM CASEY reports on her equine dental practice externship in the United States – funded by … more

18 mins

HANY M ELSHEIKHA outlines the pathology, transmission, diagnosis and management of this parasitic disease – with … more

39 mins

MARIE CARTER speaks on behalf of SPVS about pedigree dogs, and suggests that the veterinary … more

10 mins

The year is young, and we don’t yet know what it will bring. Although, judging … more

14 mins

DAVID HARWOOD finds that familiar themes reigned supreme at the Goat Veterinary Society’s autumn meeting … more

20 mins

WASN’T life simple before the internet? Actually, I rather suspect that it started to go … more

10 mins

ROGER EVANS faces the wrath of some aggrieved vets, before thinking of apparent bandage-related fetishes … more

13 mins

FRANCESCA RICCOMINI explains how canine catastrophes can be avoided by electing to advise would-be owners … more

27 mins

CATHERINE F LE BARS examines the importance of good nutrition in preventing and managing common … more

27 mins

NIGEL DOUGHERTY describes his fight to help save an example of a bird that lives … more

30 mins

MOST attempts to foresee the year ahead, in any year, are doomed to failure. In … more

16 mins

SIMON TIMERMANS explains how the need for a heightened immune response is a key factor … more

7 mins

There was a time when the veterinary world was small, spinning slowly on its axis … more

17 mins

JOHN E COOPER, MARGARET E COOPER return to Africa, and discover that despite political unrest, … more

25 mins