Vet Times articles

The latest veterinary content produced by Vet Times, covering topics such as Companion animal, Equine, Exotics, Farm animal, Welfare and General.

November 2008

COLIN WHITING explains how an Olympic hero’s dad and a celebrity magician exemplify quality interaction … more

19 mins

ANDREW SPARKES discusses dealing with an infection that could take years to leave its usually … more

41 mins

GRAHAM DUNCANSON presents an overview of the aetiology and management of lameness in sheep and … more

23 mins

YOU have to feel sorry for the Irish. Just when they thought they’d come up … more

13 mins

THE University of Liverpool’s Philip Leverhulme Equine Hospital received a “muchneeded” boost from a fund-raising … more

4 mins

CATERINA TERMINE delves into practice life in the Orient and experiences the stark differences to … more

20 mins

DIANA DELMAR includes herself among the opponents of horse slaughter and the processes involved – and … more

34 mins

I PLAN to cover a number of things about our wonderful profession that are both … more

17 mins

ROB PETTITT explains that a history of lameness may be a key pointer for the … more

27 mins

FRANCESCA RICCOMINI explains that a singular approach to husbandry isn’t doing the feline population any … more

24 mins

CATHERINE E DUNNETT discusses how the growing problem of gastric ulcers in horses can be … more

38 mins

There has been considerable talk of doom and gloom within the profession, started off by … more

13 mins

MAGGIE SHILCOCK continues her series on taking the mystery out of management with a look … more

17 mins

CATHERINE LE BARS has a rather large problem on her hands, in the shape of … more

14 mins

Liam Downey provides an insight into the agri-food topics he will be covering during his … more

16 mins

ROBIN FEARON talks to guide dog care and welfare manager Carol Warner about the national … more

24 mins

ALEX AVERY examines this common condition in dairy cows including the risk factors, diagnosis and … more

25 mins

AN MEP for south-west England is promoting the idea of a European Commission taskforce to … more

3 mins

RUTH McELROY reports on the meeting where delegates were treated to lectures and a wet … more

8 mins

CHARLOTE HAMILTON reports on her eye-opening trip to Portugal to volunteer with an animal welfare … more

28 mins