Vet Times articles

The latest veterinary content produced by Vet Times, covering topics such as Companion animal, Equine, Exotics, Farm animal, Welfare and General.

September 2008

MAGGIE SHILCOCK considers the dos and don’ts to help avoid the pitfalls when carrying out … more

16 mins

There is no question that ours is an ever-changing profession, hopefully maturing and gaining in … more

14 mins

LORNA JORDAN-OWERS reports on SPVS’ annual pilgrimage to the snow, where high-quality CPD blended with … more

22 mins

ROBERT COOK discusses communication of ideas, and how these principles apply to his views on … more

45 mins

SEAN WENSLEY reveals that the plight of crabs in Trinidad, and other invertebrates, provides plenty … more

21 mins

FRANCESCA RICCOMINI explains why it’s important to remain vigilant and look beyond the wound, condition … more

29 mins

JOHN E COOPER, MARGARET E COOPER argue that instead of fearing insects and their ilk, … more

28 mins

STUART THORNE reports on the BEVA Gastroscopy Training Forum, where novice and experienced delegates took … more

11 mins

CLAIRE SCANTLEBURY discovers plenty of interesting developments in the world of equine colic, from clinical … more

22 mins

JONATHAN ELLIOTT examines phosphate balance regulation, its role in the progression of feline chronic kidney … more

46 mins

Of course, it may not be PC to run such a headline – and, of course, it … more

14 mins

A PROJECT has been launched in an attempt to protect the future of “one of … more

3 mins

ROBERT BRADLEY discusses the value of professional veterinary health care for today’s domestic pets, in … more

14 mins

THIS book, from the UK Register of Expert Witnesses, provides a clear and concise guide … more

6 mins

JONATHAN CRACKNELL explains how the similarity between human and elephant tuberculosis may mean trouble ahead … more

24 mins

HEATHER BACON describes efforts by the Animals Asia Foundation to prevent disease outbreaks and improve … more

20 mins

SEPTEMBER is the start of a new academic year, but there are also those fresh … more

14 mins

JONATHAN CRACKNEL provides the oxygen of publicity to promote the effective use of rebreathing systems … more

29 mins

NIGEL DOUGHERTY gets to know two of the more senior inpatients from the hospital at … more

23 mins

JACK REECE finds that India’s economic growth is having an impact on increasingly diminishing rural … more

19 mins