Vet Times articles

The latest veterinary content produced by Vet Times, covering topics such as Companion animal, Equine, Exotics, Farm animal, Welfare and General.

August 2008

EWAN MCNEILL went back to school for SPVSā€™s latest roadshow in consultancy skills and client … more

23 mins

JENNI MASON describes her experience of graduating via a non-traditional route, and raises some questions … more

21 mins

I haveĀ long associated Scotland with rain. And with whisky. Perhaps it is all the rain … more

13 mins

JONATHAN CRACKNELL finds that hanging around with sloths and their fellow Xenarthrans offers up exciting … more

24 mins

ALISON L LOGAN questions why owners seem to be missing or misinterpreting neutering advice, following … more

20 mins

July 2008

JONATHAN CRACKNELL provides an introduction to giraffe physiology and the difficulties of anaesthetic management ANAESTHESIA … more

25 mins

BRIGITTE REUSCH describes the challenges, and the rewards, of using ultrasound in these unusual patients … more

25 mins

ALEX GOUGH gathers further studies and conclusions on a variety of conditions affecting cats and … more

12 mins

OLI VINER explains why encounters with unusual species often leave him wishing for super-fast CPD … more

16 mins

JOE ANZUINO reports on the level of veterinary care in China for its large population … more

30 mins

LAURENT GAROSI explains how pupils are a vital window into the neurologic status of animalsā€™ … more

24 mins

IT seems that UK vets are being viewed as the blood suckers of western Europe. … more

13 mins

CHRISTOPHER CHESNEY finds that alternative treatments and distrust of established medical practices are nothing new … more

14 mins

SUSAN M RHIND believes that getting to grips with studentsā€™ technological needs is an idea … more

10 mins

MIGUEL MARTƍNEZ discusses how to minimise the risks associated with anaesthesia using tailor-made protocols FELINE … more

26 mins

ROGER EVANS looks at ways to improve his stock of heifer calvesĀ ā€“Ā and then takes one … more

12 mins

BRADLEY VINER A practitionerā€™s musings about everything specific and nothing in generalā€¦ I WAS recently … more

13 mins

MARTIN ATKINSON shares some of the most bizarre and brazen requests he has received from … more

23 mins

SOME years ago, the Prince of Wales attracted criticism for his statement that we should … more

14 mins

NIGEL DOUGHERTY examines the work at Thailandā€™s National Elephant Hospital and the plight of Asiaā€™s … more

26 mins