Vet Times articles

The latest veterinary content produced by Vet Times, covering topics such as Companion animal, Equine, Exotics, Farm animal, Welfare and General.

July 2008

ROBIN FEARON finds out about a project’s efforts to arm African veterinarians with the information … more

25 mins

AMONG gloomy predictions about climate change there is a glimmer of hope: land-based businesses can … more

4 mins

NELE VAN DEN STEEN discusses the diagnosis and treatment of oral neoplasms commonly found in … more

34 mins

MATTHEW GURNEY discusses the treatment options available and relevant literature concerned with cat pain THIS … more

17 mins

June 2008

OLI VINER finds that while synchronicity may occur in the animal realm, people’s phrasing is … more

18 mins

GRAZING idly, as one does, through the national press, and listening to and watching the … more

13 mins

ALEX GOUGH reveals the latest studies and findings into various conditions affecting cats and dogs … more

14 mins

FOLLOWING the success of the first meeting of the European Mastitis Panel (EMP), a second … more

5 mins

FRANCESCA RICCOMINI discusses how the stressful experience of moving home is not exclusive to humans … more

27 mins

MARTIN ATKINSON reveals that clients are not always exaggerating when describing the extent of their … more

12 mins

HANY ELSHEIKHA argues that the future of veterinary science will rely on working in tandem … more

9 mins

CATHERINE F LE BARS discusses the options and applications available to ease mobility problems in … more

22 mins

GRAHAM DUNCANSON finds that the BVA’s Animal Welfare Foundation meeting provided plenty of intense discussion … more

19 mins

GRAHAM DUNCANSON offers an overview of the diverse causes of recumbency, as well as a … more

16 mins

WHEN I received this book, I thought it might contain recipes that use nutritious dog … more

5 mins

THIS is an excellent book that is thoroughly recommended to anyone interested in the subject … more

5 mins

A BRACE of practical titles for the expert witness has been produced by the UK … more

6 mins

THE fifth edition follows a similar format to the fourth incarnation, but boasts a few … more

7 mins

GETTING a novel published is, at the very least, a timeconsuming operation. Firstly, you have … more

4 mins

I was delighted when a spay that I was due to do last week was cancelled. … more

13 mins