November 2023

Anna Harrison explains the lengths one charity goes to regarding improving these animals’ lives in such a turbulent environment.

26 mins

Norbert Mencke highlights the issues around parasites in cats and how to help owners achieve a better understanding.

22 mins

Keith Cutler shares the various issues discussed at this University of Aberystwyth evening meeting presented by Sir Brian May.

18 mins

Elisabetta Mancinelli reviews available evidence for use of the specific synthetic, non-peptide, selective NK-1 receptor antagonist.

34 mins

Francesco Cian delves into the case of a seven-year-old Maine coon with a 24-hour history of severe dyspnoea in the latest “diagnostic dilemmas”.

7 mins

Georgia Wells explains the approaches vets make to ascertain both flexibility and maneuverability in canine pets, and future assessment plans.

20 mins

Mike Davies discusses advice to offer pet owners regarding various medical issues that may affect elderly canine patients.

45 mins

October 2023

Fergus Allerton, Ian Ramsey and Mary Bawn share why practices should get involved in this annual initiative to tackle antimicrobial resistance.

24 mins

Laura Watson advises on giving the best guidance to owners regarding the prevention of feline mental well-being conditions.

44 mins

Olivia Ogińska looks at the “real pain” of not exercising self-care and the damage it can do to a vet’s career, life and health.

71 mins

In the last of this series, RCVS Knowledge and Jesse McCall from the Institute for Healthcare Improvement recap how a tried-and-tested framework can help us feel and work better every day, no matter what your day is like.

20 mins

Imogen Johns covers the triggers, treatment and management plans for this long-term disease affecting horses.

46 mins

Cecilia Villaverde discusses a variety of studies behind these fats, as well as their effects on neurological activity in canine patients.

20 mins

Mike Guilliard provides an overview of these skin lesions and explains findings of the surgical techniques used to treat them.

34 mins

Emma Fishbourne considers the sustainability benefits of this practice and how veterinarians can convey its advantages to clients.

28 mins

Richard Morris discusses the difficulties of deciding on the best treatment to halt the issue of – and reduce pain in – aural disease.

47 mins

Keith Barrand discusses how dispensing blunders can occur, as well as what can be done to prevent similar issues arising in future.

12 mins

Sarah Caney emphasises the need for regular preventive health checks for this age group of felines, as well as the ways vets can advise owners to improve their care at home

39 mins

Bruce Vivash Jones explains the extraordinary role the first female member of the RCVS played and calls for an apology for her mistreatment.

34 mins

Bartosz Ropelewski references a case he was presented with, how it was treated and the medication used.

20 mins