June 2024

Anna Harrison describes how the team on the ground for charity Safe Haven is working tirelessly for donkeys caught up in the conflict.

11 mins

April 2024

Jack Reece discusses this condition that is being seen more frequently in the UK among imported dogs.

22 mins

November 2023

Anna Harrison explains the lengths one charity goes to regarding improving these animals’ lives in such a turbulent environment.

26 mins

Keith Cutler shares the various issues discussed at this University of Aberystwyth evening meeting presented by Sir Brian May.

18 mins

September 2023

SSPCA chief veterinary officer Ian Futter shares the background behind a new charity project that works with vets to provide basic health care for pets.

18 mins

August 2023

Nigel Dougherty BBA(Zoology), MSc, BVSc, MVSc(Wildlife Health), MANZCVS(Zoo Animal Medicine) outlines the sustainability pressures surrounding a multitude of species inhabiting Asia’s largest island.

49 mins

May 2022

Jenni McDonald PhD, MSc, BSc and Jane Clements MSc, RVN discuss work being done to encourage this practice to become the norm for feline patients, and the profession’s role.

19 mins

March 2021

To mark International Women’s Day, Charlotte Dawson reflects on how her leadership training for women is changing her approach to managing her team. She explores gender inequalities and the issues women face as they climb the career ladder.

9 mins

April 2019

Learn the evidence base and safe use of herbs for animals in veterinary medicine.

5 mins

October 2018

Kathryn Cowley discusses various lifestyle changes that can be adopted by owners of dogs with OA, most of which are low cost or free through the use of a home assessment tool.

16 mins

September 2018

Glen Cousquer discusses advances in national and international guidelines in treatment of working equines and muleteers.

34 mins

August 2018

Kathryn Cowley's series about this condition continues with a focus on conveying the seriousness of OA to the client and ways to provide helpful information.

11 mins

Glen Cousquer describes the plight of this species in the wake of a dominant grey squirrel population, as well as efforts to help.

31 mins

July 2018

The dry period is an opportunity to rid the udder of any infection and prepare it for the coming lactation. Using the appropriate dry cow therapy also protects the udder once lactation has started.

12 mins

February 2018

Bristol student Hannah Shotnes reports on a talk about the inadequate management of canine arthritis, and the need for a change in attitude and approach to this common condition.

21 mins

October 2017

Glen Cousquer and Kenneth Boyd continue their series on this subject and consider normative theory in ethical decision-making.

34 mins

Henrietta Price, using previous cases, considers how practices should handle injured wild animals brought in by the public.

48 mins

August 2017

Glen Cousquer and Kenneth Boyd continue their series on the ethics surrounding wildlife and exotic animal medicine and welfare.

43 mins

#CALFMATTERS is a vaccination campaign from Merial Animal Health which encourages farmers to vaccinate their calves against calf pneumonia.

2 mins

June 2017

Tessa Cornell recounts her four weeks spent with dedicated professionals from an Egyptian working animal charity.

22 mins