October 2024

Lorraine Miller describes a Thai charity’s efforts to preserve this species and the opportunities available.

8 mins

April 2024

Jack Reece discusses this condition that is being seen more frequently in the UK among imported dogs.

22 mins

Nigel Dougherty shares a sublime experience among these curious birds on New Zealand’s rugged south-western coastline.

14 mins

February 2024

Nigel Dougherty evaluates the wider aspects of provision for this practice.

44 mins

January 2024

Nigel Dougherty covers the difficulties of this practice and what to look out for.

46 mins

November 2023

Glen Cousquer celebrates the magical call and wonder of this wader, discussing the growing worry of its future in our world.

42 mins

Keith Cutler shares the various issues discussed at this University of Aberystwyth evening meeting presented by Sir Brian May.

18 mins

September 2023

Nigel Dougherty peruses his personal perspective of Aborigines’ beliefs and how they live.

43 mins

August 2023

Graham Duncanson outlines the subjects covered at the British Deer Veterinary Association’s latest meeting regarding this species.

30 mins

March 2023

David Harwood BVetMed, FRCVS summarises the knowledge shared by six speakers across two days of online meetings concerning goat ownership.

27 mins

February 2023

Graham Duncanson BVSc, MSc(VetGP), DProf, FRCVS reviews the British Veterinary Camelid Society’s conference, which included good food and stimulating lectures.

27 mins

January 2023

Aiden Foster BSc, BVSc, CertSAD, PhD, DipACVD, FHEA, MRCVS provides an overview of various topics covered at the latest meeting held by the British Deer Veterinary Association.

25 mins

October 2022

Glen Cousquer BSc(Hons), BVM&S, CertZooMed, PGDOE, MSc(Outdoor Education), MSc(Education Research), PhD, IML, MRCVS continues his series on some of our least-known species of bird with the ring ouzel thrush.

41 mins

Glen Cousquer BSc(Hons), BVM&S, CertZooMed, PGDOE, MSc(Outdoor Education), MSc(Education Research), PhD, IML, MRCVS sings his praise for one of the UK’s most musical birds, and explains how and why we can do more to protect it.

29 mins

August 2022

Glen Cousquer BSc(Hons), BVM&S, CertZooMed, PGDOE, MSc(Outdoor Education), MSc(Education Research), PhD, IML, MRCVS recounts the legend behind this sea bird, native to northern England, and the legacy of efforts to protect it.

53 mins

July 2022

Bridget Fry RVN, outlines a sustainable programme to hopefully prevent retaliation killings of endangered predators in east Africa.

15 mins

John Lewis MA, VetMB, PhD, DipECZM, MRCVS using case examples, details safe techniques for anaesthetising tigers and leopards in their natural habitat.

44 mins

May 2022

Glen Cousquer, BSc(Hons), BVM&S, CertZooMed, PGDOE, MSc(Outdoor Education), MSc(Education Research), PhD, IML, MRCVS, in the first of an article series, explores this bird of prey’s biology and ecology, as well as conservation status factors.

27 mins

April 2022

Nigel Dougherty BA(Zoology), MSc, BVSc, MVSc(Wildlife Health), MANZCVS(Zoo Animal Medicine) shares his experiences and encounters as a locum vet surgeon Down Under.

29 mins

January 2022

Rosa Angela Ragni DVM, DSPCA, MRCVS recounts her visit for a rabies neutering and vaccination campaign aimed at protecting the island’s wildlife species.