28 Jan 2025

Leading global cat medicine group announces name change

Organisation says rebranding as iCatCare Veterinary Society will enhance impact on welfare standards.


Allister Webb

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Leading global cat medicine group announces name change

International Cat Care (iCatCare) has unveiled a new branding for its veterinary management organisation, previously known as the International Society of Feline Medicine.

The group has been renamed as the iCatCare Veterinary Society in a move officials believe will give it even greater influence in promoting animal welfare.


Nicola Martin, iCatCare’s chief executive, said: “We see this as the next step in expanding our impact, as well as welcoming a wider range of professionals who are seeking to improve their knowledge of cat welfare.

“Despite major advances in the understanding and care of cats over the last few decades, there is still significant change required to ensure their welfare needs are met.

“We aim to bring expert feline medicine, behaviour and wellbeing knowledge to even more professionals striving to improve the welfare of cats, as well as expanding our world-leading Cat Friendly Clinic accreditation programme.”

The project has also included the development of a new website, which the group said would make its materials easier to access for all stakeholders.