Is your parasitology know-how up to scratch? – Exclusive, premium content covering nine hot-topic issues, with top tips and take-home info
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Company says its acquisition of Saiba Animal Health will strengthen its research and development pipeline, specifically in the fast-growing pet therapeutics category.

4 mins

Three districts on both sides of the River Humber have been hit by curtailments after a bull was confirmed to have contracted the virus.

3 mins

Website backed veterinary and welfare groups’ long-standing calls for a change of approach to the issue.

9 mins

Three inoculations will be available for use, subject to licence, following an intervention.

4 mins

First students due to enrol on training programme in Greater Manchester this autumn.

4 mins

Claims worth more than £13,000 uncovered in an investigation involving police fraud department.

5 mins

Nutraotic is a new line of “high-strength ear cleaning products” to address common health issues in pets.

3 mins

RVC researchers hope their analysis will help to address “unfounded biases”, particularly among owners.

8 mins

CVS has invested the money to upgrade and move Church Walk Vets to a purpose-built site on a Barrow-in-Furness retail park, which has two new vets. 

4 mins


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Having previously discussed his top tips for dealing with client complaints, Hubert Hiemstra shares the techniques that form his makeshift “mental armour” against those who set out to attack, insult and hurt.

Need to know if there is an oesophageal foreign body but can’t be certain on radiographs? Dr Gerardo Poli has a quick tip for you.

With its billing as "a contemporary drama in a rural setting", Jane RVN’s addiction to the world's longest-running present-day drama occasionally turns up storylines of note to the UK veterinary profession. This is one of those times…

Gerardo Poli offers some tips on radiographic interpretation, a common area he has found many clinicians request more training in.

It’s not always easy to recognise a veterinary emergency when it's thrust upon you, so it's important to ensure your front-of-house staff are capable and confident in a crisis, writes RVN Dale Gillies.

Urinalysis is an important diagnostic tool in veterinary practice – so why, asks Gerardo Poli, do some clinicians fail to perform urinalyses even when they are indicated?

Hubert Hiemstra concludes this series by discussing the aspect of making mistakes that will likely make your palms sweat and your heart race: telling the client something has gone wrong.

Having dealt with the fear of making mistakes, Hubert Hiemstra – in the second of a three-part series – outlines the course of action for how to respond when the worst happens.

veterinary content

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While it remains a common and costly disease, many farmers are still reluctant to seek help with respiratory disease issues in their herds.

34 mins

Anna Bruguera reviews the various clinical presentations of BVD and highlights the importance of applying control measures for improving animal health, welfare and herd productivity.

35 mins

Diseases such as maedi visna, ovine pulmonary adenocarcinoma and ovine Johne’s disease vary in UK prevalence, but all have huge economic impact and health implications. David Charles focuses on the big “iceberg” diseases in sheep, including screening and testing.

39 mins

Cecilia Villaverde considers the part diet can play in preventing and managing these issues in cats and dogs.

30 mins

Caroline Allen argues why this difficult and emotional topic needs to be part of the wider clinical discourse.

38 mins

Owen Atkinson explores how data can be used by vets for reviewing and forecasting on dairy farms.

41 mins

Sophie Platt and Sarah Cooper consider differences between cats and dogs in this condition.

29 mins

Liz Somerville is a founder-director of Loch Leven Equine in Scotland and has been on the board of the Veterinary Management Group since 2019. Now president of the VMG, Liz took time out of her busy schedule to tell us about her job, her life and to share some insights about the sector…

18 mins

nursing content

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Charlotte Pace outlines tangible and actionable steps every veterinary nurse can put into place daily, including emergency presentations, complications and dealing with chronic patients.

33 mins

Samantha Fontaine, Susan Holt, Gemma Irwin-Porter, Rachel Lumbis, Hamish Morrin, Sarah Vivian and Georgia Woods-Lee discuss the need for this type of VN, drawing on their own motives and experiences.

36 mins

Drawing on a case study, Ellie Kohut explains what this condition is, as well as its clinical presentation, diagnostics and nursing care needed.

21 mins

Catriona Muir highlights the critical role of vet nurses in ensuring a successful outcome for ongoing care of animals and advocates for the establishment of nurse-led clinics in veterinary practices.

31 mins

Chloe Emily Thomas talks us through her career so far, describing her progression from a student during the COVID-19 outbreak to a three-year-qualified RVN undertaking a diploma in canine behaviour.

6 mins

Sara Ho-Le discusses the method of performing this process, what to do if a life-threatening abnormality is detected and how to categorise animals on arrival.

38 mins

In the first of this series, Rebecca Bruford discusses the different nursing roles in an equine referral hospital and how these contribute to gold standard patient care.

20 mins

Laura Wilkie explains the importance of dietary care in young horses, as well as the vital role nurses can play in patient care.

33 mins

business content

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Conventional pay-per-service veterinary models are struggling to keep pace with the demands of accessible and affordable healthcare. Subscription models are seen by many new practices as the solution for pet owners looking to provide comprehensive care for their pets while keeping costs in check...

4 mins

The route to running your practice efficiently while increasing profitability could be right at your fingertips. Practice management systems can often be overlooked but, in the right hands, they have the potential to transform your business…

23 mins

From premises, staffing issues and dealing with local competition to regulatory matters and HMRC, there’s much to think about when running a practice. But one source of worry for many, understandably, is how to keep the financial plates spinning and, in particular, where to source the funding necessary to keep the doors open…

25 mins

No more important time exists in the life cycle of a veterinary practice than the first year of trading. Here, independent practice owner Helen Simmons shares her insights on how to get your practice off to a flying start…

31 mins

Animal Friends is one of the UK’s largest providers of pet insurance and offers a wide range of market-leading products for dogs, cats and horses. To find out more and get up to speed with latest developments, VBJ spoke to head of veterinary services at Animal Friends Insurance, Jen Wormleighton.

10 mins

Choosing a good and trustworthy accountant is critical to the success of any organisation. As court cases have illustrated, veterinary practices are not exempt from being a victim of criminality committed by those associated with them, especially where finance is involved…

24 mins

Sometimes in life it’s worth throwing caution to the wind and taking a risk for the right opportunity. For Kirsty Perratt that opportunity arrived two years ago and she grabbed it with both hands, as VBJ discovered when we paid a visit to Doncaster Pet Clinic last month…

33 mins

The process of referring a client’s animal into the hands of another clinician can be fraught with complications. But, as so often in life, good communication is key to success… 

26 mins

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