The process of referring a client’s animal into the hands of another clinician can be fraught with complications. But, as so often in life, good communication is key to success… 

26 mins

Kitting out a clinic can be fraught with difficulties. Too much choice is one problem, while financing is another. However, common sense can be drawn on in acquiring what is needed at the lowest possible cost, being tax efficient and considering used equipment…

25 mins

It can be a daunting prospect for those who decide to go it alone and  open their own veterinary practice. But plenty of support is out there for those who know where to find it, as Gemma Barmby explains...

25 mins

Veterinary practice is a service industry and while situations always occur where animal welfare trumps all, any business needs to entice and retain clients to stay afloat. This means excellent customer service must always be a key priority, so it’s vital to get it right…

28 mins

The buzz around Creature Comforts has been building since news first emerged of a “pet tech” start-up with eye-catching plans to revolutionise the way veterinary care works for vets, pets and clients. So, when the first clinic opened in central London last month, VBJ caught up with founder Russell Welsh to see if this ambitious venture looks like it’s living up to the hype…

33 mins

There will be new challenges and opportunities for veterinary practices when a change in the law comes into force on 10 June that will mean all cats in England have to be microchipped. In this article, the author explains everything you need to know about the  process…

22 mins

Vets must strike a balance between achieving adequate parasite control for their patients and using parasiticides in a sustainable way. This can only be achieved with a risk-based approach to their use and by giving careful consideration to choosing the right product for the job…

27 mins

The most predictable consequence of last month’s CMA announcement was the unwelcome return of sensationalised “money-grabbing vet” stories across the mainstream media. In almost every case, however, such ill-informed headlines couldn’t be further from the truth, as VBJ was delighted to rediscover when we paid a visit to Nightingale Vets last month…

33 mins

It doesn’t take much to set up a practice – just a good idea, common sense, graft, opportunity and, of course, appropriate funding. However, to last the course and become successful it takes thought and planning…

26 mins

Enabling flexible working, depending on the role, is often the mark of a good employer. Great potential benefits exist for both practices and their staff in enabling more flexibility, but it is important to consider all the details…

21 mins

Creating a new veterinary practice is often a team effort, and that was certainly the case when Beacon VetCare in Cornwall opened last year. It might be the names of Colin and Lizzy Whiting above the door, but this new community business is the work of many hands, as VBJ discovered when we paid a visit last month...

33 mins

In the ever-evolving field of veterinary diagnostics, the traditional “this or that” approach to performing and assessing diagnostic tests in the clinic or at an external laboratory is changing. So, it is vital to ensure your practice is keeping up with the latest developments…

26 mins

As leaders, we have the privilege of supporting new graduates through their first months and years in practice. We are shaping the next generation of vets, and those first few years will undoubtedly influence their future in this profession, writes Rebecca Robinson…

26 mins

The world is witnessing the dawn of the AI age and excitement is at its peak as to just how much the technology will change the existing paradigms. In this article, Oli Viner explains how these systems work and discusses how they might impact on society and the veterinary profession…

37 mins

Setting up a specialist ophthalmology practice is always going to be a risky business. But Ioannis Tzouganakis eyed a gap in this highly competitive market, and so far, the risk is paying off, as VBJ discovered when we paid a visit to Vet Eye Care last month…

31 mins

Video solutions and remote access are increasingly being used to give clients new ways to interact with their veterinary practices. This should not be seen as a threat and instead the growth of digital engagement should be embraced for the opportunities it provides, as Ben Sweeney explains…

35 mins

When most people decide to open their own veterinary practice, the plan is usually to start small and build at a steady pace from there. But Laura Keyser has decided to take a rather different approach with Claro Hill Vets near Harrogate, as VBJ discovered when we met last month…

31 mins

Advanced imaging was once the preserve of referral centres and teaching hospitals, but an increasing number of practices now offer these modalities in a first opinion setting. However, the integration of these technologies can be a highly complex issue and there is much to consider before making such a significant investment…

16 mins

Pet owners traditionally sought veterinary services on a pay-per-visit basis, often delaying essential care due to financial concerns. However, the subscription model has the potential to revolutionise pet health care by offering a more accessible, comprehensive, and cost-effective approach…

30 mins

Southern Counties Veterinary Specialists has been in a state of almost constant evolution since the referral practice opened in 2008. Last year saw the latest phase of an ongoing £10 million investment at the site, so VBJ headed to Hampshire to see if it’s been money well spent...

33 mins

Tax efficiency can be critical to business success, irrespective of market sector or profession. But tax can be a quagmire ready to swallow up all who become entangled with it – so, if in any doubt, seek good advice…

26 mins

Most modern businesses depend on good IT infrastructure, but are your systems fit for purpose? We live in a rapidly evolving world where technology has become an indispensable tool in nearly every industry, and the veterinary sector is no exception…

24 mins

Since the COVID pandemic there has been a significant increase in the number of people looking to set up their own veterinary practice. But much needs to be considered for those thinking of taking the plunge, as Adam Bernstein discovered when he spoke to some of the experts…

31 mins

Tax changes that came into force earlier this year could have a big impact on many businesses, including veterinary practices. And those impacts will be even greater for those who have not noted the warnings from HMRC…

20 mins

Most young people struggle to get on the housing ladder these days, let alone self-fund their own veterinary practice. But that’s exactly what Alex Hirst did when he opened River Veterinary Care near Newcastle earlier this year…

35 mins

Pickles became the UK’s first members-only vet practice when the doors of its Fulham clinic opened late last year. At launch, founders talked of fixing “a broken system” and of creating a £1 billion business - but is Pickles living up to the hype? VBJ headed to west London to find out…

34 mins

Many routes to practice ownership exist, so it stands to reason there’s no “one size fits all” exit strategy, either. Vicky Robinson looks at the best options in this fast-changing landscape...

25 mins

Referring patients and clients away from your practice’s care is sometimes the best solution in terms of patient and client care, as well as clinical outcome. However, it can also be a minefield, with some of the most complicated client complaints resulting from referrals…

24 mins

“I will guarantee that Josh and Claire did not put ‘global pandemic’ in the middle of their business plan… but, of course, what we do know about every business plan is: they're all wrong!”

2 mins

Balancing the needs of all stakeholders is a crucial judgement to make before deciding to invest in new diagnostic equipment. It can be all too easy to waste a lot money on equipment that clinicians won’t use and clients won’t pay for, as Nacho Mérida Isla explains…

26 mins

Running a successful veterinary practice requires a myriad of different skill sets and it can be a real headache identifying staff training needs. By using an analytical approach, however, finding training that boosts both your profits and your people can be a relatively painless process…

20 mins

Harrison Family Vets in Kingswinford may look like any one of hundreds of newly built veterinary clinics from the outside. But on the inside, things really are rather different, as VBJ discovered when we paid a visit to the West Midlands last month…

27 mins

Practice management systems have come a long way since first emerging in the veterinary world 20 years ago. A plethora of systems now exist to choose from, offering a range of features, but some are more useful than others, as Oli Viner explains…

38 mins

The climate can play havoc with the workplace and the wrong temperature can affect productivity. But with extreme weather apparently becoming more common, employers need to understand the impact that different conditions can have on their employees…

18 mins

A lot has changed in the decade since Keith Leonard and his wife Julie set up their Companion Care practice in a Pets at Home store near Leeds. But this year, the pace of change has increased faster than the Bank of England’s base rate, as VBJ discovered when we paid a visit…

39 mins

One of the biggest names in veterinary referrals has just got bigger – a whole lot bigger. Dick White Referrals in Cambridgeshire tripled in size following the completion of an expansion project in February, and last month VBJ was invited in to take a look around…

34 mins

From 10 June 2024, new rules in England mean owned cats must be implanted with a microchip before they reach the age of 20 weeks old. Tammie O’Leary reviews the new legislation and looks at how veterinary practices can benefit from this animal welfare initiative…

The Government’s “Build Back Greener” strategy sets out a series of policies and proposals for making the UK economy carbon neutral by 2050. It’s a massive challenge, but by changing the way it constructs and operates its buildings, the veterinary sector can do its bit to hit that ambitious target, writes Chris Copeman.

21 mins

The idea of mobile veterinary practices was still very much in its infancy when Rosie Smith set up Paws Indoors back in 2003. But despite the odd bump in the road over the past two decades, this peripatetic pioneer has made it work – as VBJ discovered when we caught up with Rosie last month…

27 mins

Three-quarters of all cats and two-thirds of all dogs were bought by adults younger than 44 in the past 12 months, meaning the pet-owning baton has well and truly passed to the next generation. With Gen Z and millennials expecting to interact with businesses digitally, vet practices must ensure they are maximising engagement opportunities…

29 mins

Recruitment and retention issues, and unprecedented demand for services have created a perfect storm that is stretching many practice teams to the limit. With a sizeable number of VNs leaving because they feel undervalued, underpaid and underused, one solution to increasing profits may be staring us in the face…

27 mins

“It's a special group of people that decide to become vets, and that cause around well-being and solving some of the problems that face the sector today... that's really become our mission.”

1 mins

Tech-enabled pet owners want to access veterinary care on their own terms and for some practices, that poses a problem. But by leveraging the right technologies, such as online appointment booking, apps and asynchronous communication platforms, everyone can get up to speed…

31 mins

The proliferation of referral centres in recent years means pets being sent long distances for specialised treatment has become an increasingly rare occurrence. But in some remote regions, long trips over land and sea remain par for the course, as VBJ discovered when we spoke to Highland Vet Referrals in Inverness…

27 mins

The basic science of veterinary care may evolve relatively slowly, but the technology underpinning its delivery continues to advance at a relentless pace. Oli Viner looks at some of the latest developments and how they can enhance practice performance…

30 mins

Carefully tailored CPD plans can provide the perfect platform for team members to develop their careers and learn new skills. But it is important to ensure the needs of the individual and the business are aligned…

22 mins

It’s perfectly clear the direction of travel in automotive is towards zero-emission vehicles and, for the present, that means buying electric. But buying an electric vehicle doesn’t just help reduce carbon emissions, it also provides significant tax advantages to those making the switch…

25 mins

For anyone hoping to take the significant step of moving into ownership, it is worth considering all the options first. Vicky Robinson from Vet Dynamics looks at the pros and cons of partnerships, joint venture opportunities and setting up from scratch…

Many more people are “going digital” in all aspects of their lives – especially when it comes to looking after treasured pets. So it pays to know how to use the latest digital tools to ensure your practice stands out in an increasingly crowded market…

The key ingredients needed for a successful veterinary practice don’t change a great deal – wherever you happen to be in the world. Strong leadership, a motivated team and top-class client care are universal requirements, as VBJ discovered when we caught up with Catherine Harper of Barossa Veterinary Service...

Many people are searching for places to make savings as the cost of living crisis bites deeper. For pet owners, one monthly expense under scrutiny could well be their pet insurance premiums…

26 mins

New equipment, additional consulting rooms and general refitting are all hallmarks of a practice looking to progress. But such advancements come at a cost, which leads to a natural question: what is the best way of financing these investments?

26 mins

New technology has delivered massive change in the area of veterinary diagnostics – especially during the past two years.Seth Wallack and Eric Goldman discuss how to harness these developments to drive practice productivity in an increasingly challenging economic environment…

21 mins

It was less than a year after graduation that Emily Westwood realised working for someone else as an ambulatory equine vet wasn’t going to be for her. But instead of abandoning her hard-won veterinary career before it had really begun, Emily instead decided to set up her own practice – and Pocket Nook Equine Vets was born…

33 mins

We enter the world with nothing and depart as we were born, leaving our earthly possessions behind. This harsh circle of life becomes grimmer for those left behind when there is no will to determine how a deceased’s assets are distributed, especially if a business is part of those assets…

25 mins

When Northlands Veterinary Hospital relocated to new premises in Kettering town centre last year, it didn’t move very far. It’s just a few minutes’ walk from the old site, but a million miles away in every other sense, as VBJ discovered when we paid a visit last month...

34 mins

While MRI and CT have long been seen as the preserve of referral centres, a growing number of first opinion businesses have begun investing in these advanced imaging modalities. Big benefits exist for practices going down this route, but also significant risks for those making such as big investment without taking a close look at all the finer details…

26 mins

Complaints, about charges, congested the phone lines and excessive waiting times are all symptoms of a veterinary practice that is not working as well as it could. This can lead to frustrated clients and a stressed veterinary team – the perfect recipe for a failing practice...

18 mins

Jenny Reason and Carly Day had no experience of running a business and only a relatively small amount of money when they opened Bury St Edmunds Veterinary Centre three years ago. However, the practice has since grown into the perfect example of what can be achieved with a lot of hard work and little bit of love…

32 mins

With vets and nurses increasingly hard to come by, it has never been more important for practices to ensure they retain talent. But this can only be done through good leadership and a positive culture where everyone’s voice can be heard, as Rich Casey explains…

Recruitment has become a term that strikes fear into the heart of many employers – particularly since it’s now apparently a prefix to the word “crisis”. But practices can do plenty of things to stand out from the crowd and boost their appeal to potential new employees…

When most people set up a practice, their goals for the new enterprise are usually relatively limited. But the Nupsala Musculoskeletal Clinic in Melton Mowbray is part of a much grander and ambitious plan, as VBJ discovered when we paid a visit last month...

Making a comeback is often a venture fraught with risk; for every Elvis Presley or Tyson Fury there's a Vanilla Ice or Björn Borg. But sometimes the risk pays off, as VBJ discovered when we caught up with Werrington Vets owners Marwan Tarazi and Nikos Pallas following a triumphant return to their old patch...

38 mins

Never before has so much CPD been on offer across such a wide variety of platforms and in so many different formats. This has delivered many exciting new ways to access continuing education, but it's important to think carefully about your own personal learning needs…

23 mins

You have to be pretty confident your new practice is going to be something a bit special if you decide to call it Stellar Vets. In this case, however, with a digital-focused, client-friendly approach, this new venture more than lives up to its name, as VBJ discovered…

39 mins

Premises to a practice are as hands are to a surgeon – they are essential. But building or fitting out premises is not a simple task…

It can be all too easy to measure practice growth on speed, efficiency and effectiveness. But with an overabundance of new work and an industry chronically under-resourced, it is more important than ever to get your priorities right...

Nutrition, diet and supplements play a key role in supporting the health of the nation’s companion animals. But, with veterinary teams so busy post-pandemic, Georgia Woods-Lee asks: “is your practice getting the message across?”

Renowned for world-leading CPD, extensive networking opportunities and the chance to meet with a wide … more

17 mins

Congresses and conferences – either in-person, online or both – will always be an integral part of the landscape in the veterinary sector. Times have changed of course, but what hasn’t changed is the value of live learning and making the most of the opportunities is as important as ever...

23 mins

In a world of increased corporate ownership it can be easy to think the number of career paths open to vets has also become increasingly limited. But if you play your cards right, plenty of options are still open for those who know how to take them…

34 mins

If you are one of nature’s wonders – good at everything – then good for you; you truly are a rarity. Mere mortals like the rest of us, or those who want to grow and develop their practice to be more than a “one-man band”, will need a strong team to ensure they can deliver the performance and standard of care patients and clients deserve…

27 mins

Geoff Potts had worked at the Alder practice in Liverpool for more than 22 years when the practice joined Medivet in 2015. Here, in this VBJ Partnerships Insight, he outlines the benefits this decision has brought, not just to him, but to the 24-hour hospital’s patients and his dedicated veterinary team…

16 mins

After working as a firefighter for some of the UK’s largest corporate vet groups, Iris Kestemont joined a growing band of pandemic pioneers and opened her own practice earlier this year. The Peacocks Veterinary Clinic in Corsham has not been in business long, but Iris is already enjoying the chance to practise what she has long preached…

38 mins

Challenging situations are a given in life as a farm vet. David Anderson, member of the VetPartners Wellbeing Group and practising vet at Westpoint Farm Vets in Derbyshire, shares his insights into how vets can stay resilient and on top of their game – no matter the situation…

22 mins

After banging her head against the glass ceiling for years, Shelley Cook decided to take matters into her own hands and opened her own practice. She describes the decision as “like jumping off a cliff without a parachute”, but it seems Shelley and her team at Little Rock Equine Vets have made the perfect landing…

32 mins

COVID has created a challenging environment, but it has also created new opportunities, meaning it has never been more critical that veterinary practices – especially independents – have the tools and resources they need to take advantage. Now, thanks to Covetrus, those tools and resources are being made available to practices across the UK following the launch of its new business consultancy service, InsightOne.

13 mins

Coronavirus turned the world upside down in a matter of weeks and it has pretty much kept it there ever since. Many things changed in the veterinary sector over the past 12 months, but, as Alan Robinson explains, the key drivers for practice growth have stayed the same...

22 mins

The result of the COVID-19 pandemic has brought to the forefront the importance of air purity rather than simply air replacement and cooling...

19 mins

This episode of First Opinions sees VBJ editor James Westgate joined by Craig Bennett, chief executive officer at The Wildlife Trusts and keynote speaker at the 2021 VMG-SPVS Virtual Congress.

1 mins

Few could argue that most business sectors need to do more to support working mothers. For the veterinary profession, finding models that actually work for vet mums is a matter of urgency and not just in the UK – as VBJ discovered when we spoke to practice owner Jocelyn Birch Baker in Queensland, Australia…

29 mins

When it comes to choosing a nutraceutical, a wealth of information exists about some of the component ingredients, but rarely comparative data in the species being treated. So, how do we make the best decision…?

Last November, Chris Devlin joined the growing band of vets to decide that the middle of a pandemic is as good a time as any to open their own practice. And like many others, Chris and wife Sam are discovering that, despite coronavirus and the many other challenges of setting up the business, the COVID cloud may yet have a silver lining…

29 mins

In the final part of this exclusive series, VBJ editor James Westgate talks to Alan and Vicky Robinson from Vet Dynamics, and veterinary accountant Jeff Lermer about ownership models.

18 mins

The coronavirus pandemic has brought massive change to the sector, but one thing that hasn’t changed is the desire among many vets to one day run their own show.

This episode of VBJ First Opinions sees VBJ editor James Westgate joined by David Babington, business development director for veterinary CPD provider Improve International.

1 mins

If you’re looking for a new opportunity in the post-COVID veterinary world, this 540 square metre building in central England – complete with prior use as a practice – could be for you…

9 mins

Anyone intent on opening their own veterinary practice usually does so with at least a 5-year, or even a 10-year, plan. Some people go into the enterprise with a longer view, however, as VBJ discovered when we spoke to Aidan Borrill prior to the launch of his practice, Ferndown Family Vets in Dorset…

32 mins

Spending a small fortune developing a business is probably not at the top of the agenda for most people in their seventies. But Duncan MacIntyre of Bute and Cowal Vets is not most people, as VBJ discovered when he spoke to us last month about his ambitious plans for expansion…

33 mins

One of the best ways independent practices can compete with the big boys is to cut costs by joining a buying group. Adam Bernstein takes a look at how these groups have evolved and how your practice can make the most of membership…

27 mins

Setting up and running your own independent veterinary practice may have become the road less travelled in recent years. But independent practice ownership is still one of the most fulfilling paths a veterinary professional can take in his or her career, and a journey that’s well worth making…

26 mins

One of the many lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic is that sustainability and the need to live more lightly on our planet have now become urgent objectives for everybody and every business. For experienced small animal vet Rob Douwes, these concepts were the driving force when he opened Green Vets in York 18 months ago…

24 mins

Most within the veterinary profession recognise the need to integrate environmental ethics into the way they work, but the daily pressures of practice mean it’s not always easy. It’s a journey and to make sustainability work for our planet, it’s a journey we need to take together...

23 mins

Coronavirus continues to dominate the agenda, but for some the Brexit deadline is now starting to loom just as menacingly. For practices like Parklands Veterinary Group in Dungannon, Northern Ireland, what happens on 1 January is of huge significance, as VBJ discovered when we spoke to clinical director Eamon Donnelly…

24 mins

Eastcott Referrals was born when Peter Southerden began offering dental referrals from a small practice based in an old Victorian house in Swindon almost 20 years ago. The practice long ago outgrew its humble origins and while dentistry is still a key focus, Eastcott now has strong roots in many different areas...

36 mins

Offering the best possible clinical care is the top priority for any veterinary practice, but being in a position to do that is often no easy task. Behind the scenes of any business are a myriad of vitally important external relationships – from who checks the accounts to who cleans the windows...

21 mins

VBJ is delighted to be joined by Anthony Chadwick – a good friend of the publication and a well-known face across the UK veterinary profession, and beyond, through his work with The Webinar Vet.

1 mins

In the first months of lockdown, BVA guidance meant most practices were only able to deal with emergency cases, and work all but dried up for some. But for the teams at Vets Now Manchester, the coronavirus crisis meant that while some things changed, in many ways everything stayed the same...

35 mins

Making the right choices when selling on a veterinary practice is never easy – especially against the backdrop of a pandemic that has had such seismic impacts across the sector. But there are still options for those planning their exit strategy and here Vicky Robinson takes a close look at what those options are...

28 mins

Running a fast-growing 24-hour small animal practice is a demanding job, whatever the weather. Throw in a pandemic that shuts down society for months and that task becomes a whole lot more complicated, as VBJ discovered when we spoke to JVP at Vets4Pets Northampton, Jenny Millington...

35 mins

Advanced diagnostic imaging is fast becoming more than just “the gold standard” – it is now a realistic prospect for many first opinion practices. But what options are out there for those practices hoping to mine the opportunities on offer?

25 mins

For most small animal practices across the UK, the story of coronavirus has been pretty bleak – certainly where practice revenues have been concerned. But at Bury St Edmunds Veterinary Centre the crisis has played out differently, as VBJ discovered when we hooked up with partner Jenny Reason...

30 mins

At this time of year, thoughts turn to the trips and holidays we plan to take. In the short term, coronavirus has put paid to that. But while we may not be able to travel, employees are still accruing holiday, and many are wondering how the rules will play out…

10 mins

A potential law change that could make microchipping compulsory in feline pets could provide valuable opportunities for veterinary practices. And with almost a third of the nation’s domestic cats not having a microchip, practices should be ready to make the most of those opportunities...

19 mins

The coronavirus outbreak has brought massive and sudden change to the veterinary profession. But practices are adapting to a new normal and lessons are being learned every day, as the team as Willows Veterinary Centre and Referral Service in the West Midlands is discovering...

26 mins

The massive impact of coronavirus has left the world in a liminal state; a threshold between the established norms of the past, and an uncertain and unknowable future. Alan Robinson explains how to navigate this threshold by avoiding its many perils and making the most of the opportunities it provides...

22 mins

In this, the third VBJ Lockdown Lowdown, we revisit veterinary business consultant Alison Lambert to discuss all things business – from finance and furlough to waiting time and wellness.

In the second episode of Lockdown Lowdown, Vet Dynamics director Alan Robinson offers tips for people trying to “instil order into the chaos” that coronavirus has cast our lives and businesses.

1 mins

In the second episode of Lockdown Lowdown, Vet Dynamics director Alan Robinson offers tips for people trying to “instil order into the chaos” that coronavirus has cast our lives and businesses.

2 mins

When Lennon Foo opened Amity Vets in Newton Abbott nearly three years ago, he had a bold vision for the way he wanted to deliver veterinary care. VBJ caught back up with Lennon to see how his practice and bold, client-centred vision was bearing up to the coronavirus crisis...

26 mins

Coronavirus has brought swift, sudden change, and a new normal now prevails. Alan Robinson explains why businesses that hope to survive the present and thrive in the future must understand what these changes mean, and how to respond...

34 mins

The Lockdown Lowdown is a Zoom interview series in which VBJ editor James Westgate talks to business experts to discover how the coronavirus pandemic is affecting the veterinary profession.

2 mins

Climate change, increased pet travel and the incoming tide of overseas rescues means it is not just old enemies your practice needs to be ready for – new threats are on the horizon, too. But fear not, as practices have never been in a better position to take the flight to the enemy...

26 mins

Vet Chris Copeman built one of the first Passivhaus homes in the UK and now he has opened its first Passivhaus veterinary practice.

As services that are subscription based become an increasingly large part of life, preventive health care plans are becoming the norm in veterinary practice in the UK. Clients ask for them, and most forward-thinking practices now have one, but it’s important to make sure your plan fits your practice...

23 mins

Buying into a partnership is still a big part of the plan for many veterinary surgeons. But what happens when that plan suddenly has to change? VBJ paid a visit to Swaffham Veterinary Centre in Norfolk to find out...

3 mins

Increasing diagnostic testing is good for animal welfare and pracice profits. This is a multibillion-pound market, but are UK practices making the most of the tech and tests they have at their disposal...?

29 mins

Veterinary nurses provide the backbone of any successful practice, but sometimes their contribution can be overlooked. Here, former practice owner and RVN Helen Tottey explains why nursing teams must be kept front and centre...

27 mins

So, you’ve been employed in another’s practice and either circumstance or a keen desire to be master of your own destiny is leading you to running your own business. Setting up a practice isn't easy, but it can be incredibly rewarding if you get your groundwork right...

21 mins

Spinney Vets near Northampton has just undergone a significant refurbishment that has seen the practice double in size. Now the dust has settled, VBJ paid a visit to see if the investment has paid off...

1 mins

Stress and burnout are at epidemic levels across the profession, but vets and nurses are often left to solve their own well-being issues. Alan Robinson argues, however, that it’s the practice leaders and managers who should be doing more to help banish the burnout blues...

2 mins

Many veterinary professionals aspire to ownership, but becoming a leader is not necessarily part of their dream. Yet practice ownership immediately places people in a leadership role, so why don’t owners always want to step up?

19 mins

In 2017, StreetVet began as nothing more than an idea. Three years later, that idea has grown into what can only be described as a phenomenon.

1 mins

A growing number of US private practice owners have breathed new life into their businesses and taken a wrecking ball to others on their journey to becoming the best. Here are some of the things US vets did the past five years to stay ahead of the competition, deliver standout care and keep employees engaged...

17 mins

Veterinary practices can often be chaotic working environments without the right systems in place. Buy by introducing a culture of improvement and accountability, order can be brought to the chaos.

18 mins

Tax investigations should be avoided – they are not something that many welcome or would want to endure, as they are stressful and can be costly. And if HMRC finds misbehaviour, that taxpayer is bound to receive “special” attention in the future.

24 mins

The demise of the high street is a well-documented phenomenon in villages and towns across the UK. But as VBJ discovered when we visited West Sussex last month, for some vets this has provided the perfect opportunity to put their practices back at the heart of the communities they serve…

2 mins

Gathering in the Vet Times podcast booth during London Vet Show 2019, VBJ editor James … more

3 mins

With increased price pressure from the internet and growing competition from corporate practices, sometimes it can seem hard to see the wood for the trees. In this, a VBJ Buying Insight feature, help is at hand in the form of one of the largest, most trusted businesses in the sector.

16 mins

Dental disease is one of the biggest untreated issues among UK companion animals, so how can your practice increase the number of dental procedures it carries out? Here, Alan Robinson and Matthew Plumtree give their advice on how to drive up the rate of dentals in your practice...

23 mins

Earlier this year, Lambert, Leonard and May (LLM) Farm Vets became the latest farm practice to join the VetPartners group. VBJ paid a visit to see how this change has impacted on one of the UK’s most highly respected farm animal outfits...

41 mins

James Westgate is joined in the First Opinions studio by Alan Robinson, a qualified vet and, for many, the godfather veterinary business.

1 mins

The UK has 725 referral practices, which means 17% of all veterinary sites are now dedicated referral centres or offer referral services. So, anyone thinking of entering this crowded marketplace needs to pitch their offering carefully...

3 mins

Alan White has become a familiar face in the veterinary sector since joining the St Francis Group almost 10 years ago. Now group commercial director of MWI Animal Health UK following its acquisition of St Francis in 2015, Alan sat down with VBJ to tell us a bit about the company and himself...

10 mins

All successful veterinary practices require good leadership, but being a leader is about much more than just a title. Here, Mark John from Fenton Vets describes his journey and explains why being a brilliant boss is now more important than ever...

25 mins

Deciding to sell your veterinary practice will probably be one of the biggest life choices you ever make. If you have the luxury of time, as Vicky Robinson explains, planning your sale will make a considerable difference to the financial outcome...

24 mins

Practices have four months to prepare for off-payroll working rules changes that could have significant impacts on locums. From April 2020, they will have to check if locums need to pay income tax and national insurance contributions, shifting the responsibility from locums to practices.

20 mins

Veterinary medicine is ever-changing. It’s true the profession has had its fair share of challenges recently, but it’s also important to not lose sight of the one thing that bricks-and-mortar practices have over online – a local community to market to...

18 mins

Forget the plethora of confusing terms like “algorithms”, “metadata” or “tagging”, the same rules apply to digital marketing as the offline version. Providing you’re matching outstanding service to the needs of your customers, follow these tips and you’ll be well placed to shout about it in the digital world.

10 mins

Building a small animal practice right next door to a cattle market might not seem like the best piece of logic. But for Ben Gamsa and his team at Cotswold Vets, near Swindon, it made perfect sense...

3 mins

In the first monthly VBJ podcast, editor James Westgate speaks to Liz Barton, creator of the Vetsnet resource hub and co-founder of the WellVet Weekend.

1 mins

An RCVS crackdown on non-compliance means the rules about when vets and RVNs can complete their CPD have changed. This could provide challenges to clinicians and the practices they work in, but, as VBJ discovered, it’s never been easier to access new learning opportunities...

1 mins

Hallmarq is well known as one of the UK veterinary sector’s real sucess stories. One man who is not so well known is the company’s new chief operating officer – so meet Richard Smith...

10 mins

Boris Johnson as PM has only made it harder to make Brexit predictions, but we must assume it is going to happen one way or the other. It remains unclear how this will impact British business, but now is a good time to ensure your practice is fit enough toi survive what could be turbulent times ahead...

20 mins

We live in an increasingly volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA) world. This has made veterinary practice a more challenging and increasingly consumer-driven environment. But with the right support systems in place, a VUCA is nothing to be feared...

29 mins

The veterinary profession has probably seen more change in the past two decades than at any other time in its history – and one man who has been right in the middle of the action is Malcolm Wright...

13 mins

One of the biggest reasons given for the growth of corporate veterinary practice is that the traditional partnership model is broken. But is that really the case? VBJ headed to Didcot, Oxfordshire to find out...

2 mins

Veterinary practices are under constant threat from an aggressive and constantly evolving army of bacteria, viruses and parasites. Recent surveys have also shown visible hygiene is an important factor for clients when choosing a practice – what can your practice do to tick both these boxes?

20 mins

The bubble may have burst for some, but the consolidators will still pay big money for the right kind of practice. So, knowing what the likes of Independent Vetcare and CVS are looking for is key for owners looking to move their business into corporate hands...

21 mins

Do you really know who your practice is employing? With the spirit of the goodness of humanity in mind, it’s unlikely you have anyone bad or criminally minded on staff. But it does happen.

21 mins

While we’re still in the EU, we still have to play by its rules – particularly where workplace legislation is concerned. Here, the author details a landmark EU ruling on paid annual leave.

10 mins

Innovation is the word on everyone’s lips these days. But what does it mean, and are veterinary practices potentially missing a huge opportunity?

20 mins

It is easy for vets and VNs to see the value of microchipping because they perform the procedure on a daily basis. But do clients see the value, too? VBJ reminds practices what they can do to overcome the barriers and maximise the business opportunities.

18 mins

Few other practices better reflect the near exponential growth of the UK referral sector than North Downs Specialist Referrals. The Surrey hospital has trebled in size in its 15 years – a tale of sustained success and one that echoes a wider story…

7 mins

The telephone is still the main way clients contact their veterinary practice, but times are changing fast. Online appointment booking and live chats are just the tip of the iceberg, and practices looking to stay ahead need a strategy covering all the options…

27 mins

Setting up a veterinary practice can seem like the easy part when compared to developing a successful strategy for growth. Alan Robinson explains how to take the pain out of the process by following five golden rules …

28 mins

Pet nutrition is changing fast and UK practices run the risk of being left behind if they don’t adapt. Significant advances in nutritional science and technology have led to improved therapeutic and wellness diets – how can your practice make the most of these new opportunities?

24 mins

Many lessons can be learned by those in business from the world of top-level sport – a fact VBJ was reminded of when we sat down with the woman who skippered the Great Britain’s hockey team to golden glory at the Olympics in Rio …

10 mins

Wildbore Vetstop sounds like it might be a rather intriguing, perhaps even slightly dangerous, place to work. But what’s in a name? Not a lot, as VBJ discovered last month when we headed north to hear another independent success story…

So much data is available in the modern veterinary practice that sometimes it can seem difficult to see the wood for the trees. But by measuring the metrics that matter, this wealth of data has the power to transform your practice into a lean, mean profit-making machine...

32 mins

One in every three small animal consults is preventive1. When supporting products and services – such as parasite control and neutering – are combined into the mix, that can add up to a vital profit stream. So, what can practices do to make the most of it?

23 mins

The second of VBJ’s Fast Forward features is the story of Vet Dynamics – a veterinary business consultancy that has helped hundreds of owners ensure their practice is run as effectively and efficiently as possible.

25 mins

A first opinion hospital practice on the edge of Epping Forest, with in-house CT and MRI, and a dedicated radioiodine unit in nearby Harlow, the practice has certainly branched out in recent years...

2 mins

Stuck with a tired old building and not sure what to do next? Should you set a budget first or commission an architect? And is a new building really the answer or could you renovate for half the cost? Alex Darvill answers these questions as he reveals his secrets for creating successful buildings…

27 mins

It is always a tough task setting up a new veterinary practice from scratch. But some have it tougher than others – as VBJ discovered when we headed to Merseyside to visit Village Vets last month…

2 mins

Starting a new business is daunting, but help is always at hand. Alan Robinson explains the early considerations in setting up your own practice.

32 mins

Running the referral division for one of Europe’s largest corporate practice groups can be a complicated business. VBJ discovered just how complex when we paid a visit to CVS referrals director John Innes at the ChesterGates Referral Hospital Veterinary Specialists.

2 mins

Owning part or all of a practice is the dream for many veterinary professionals, but not everyone wants to go it alone or open something from scratch. Thankfully, there is more than one way to choose – here Tim Rayner looks at the alternative ownership options…

26 mins

The explosion of computing power over the past 30 years has transformed the way we all lead our lives. It has also revolutionised diagnostic imaging in veterinary medicine and helped propel the science of animal health to unprecedented new heights…

26 mins

In these days of manic corporate consolidation, it is important to remember the benefits owning your own practice can bring. So when VBJ was asked to visit an independently owned practice that is positively thriving in the face of corporate competition, we jumped at the chance.

3 mins

Adi Nell and Erwin Höhn consider stakeholders’ likely responses to the shortages before proposing a revolutionary workforce planning framework.

31 mins

Increasing the amount of dental work your practice performs can be a great way to improve pet health and drive revenue. Yet, without the engagement of the whole clinical team, these initiatives can often lack bite.

21 mins

Successful recruitment begins long before a vacancy arises. In an increasingly transparent profession, employer reputation is a vital tool in the competition for our most valuable resource: people. This will be a major theme at SPVS/VMG Congress in January.

19 mins

The vet landscape is changing rapidly, and we find the profession, and ourselves, in an economy we wouldn't have imagined 20 years ago. It's a time of great change and opportunity for those looking to sell a practice.

20 mins

Medivet senior partners Adi Nell and Erwin Höhn, in the first of two articles, look at the manpower problem as a precursor to delivering a framework for analysis and a strategic plan for all stakeholders in part two ...

36 mins

James Westgate, VBJ editor, visits two practices using complementary therapies as a viable alternative revenue stream ...

21 mins

Employment law can be a minefield – especially for vets without formal qualifications in the area. Anne Harvey explains how to avoid the pitfalls.

21 mins

Nuala Summerfield explains that rather than being a cause for concern, technology provides real opportunities for anyone prepared to embrace it.

34 mins

While running a practice is one part of the commercial equation, getting paid is the other, as Adam Bernstein explains.

24 mins

Anyone opening their own veterinary practice has to be a pretty remarkable person. So when VBJ heard about a woman who did just that in less than six weeks for £150,000, we just had to pay her a visit.

7 mins

Just being good at medicine is no longer enough for practices hoping to attract and retain clients. Experience is a big priority for owners visiting and, as Simon Power explains, getting your branding right is a crucial start.

23 mins

With clients able to access many sources of information, tone and nature of conversations with their vet have evolved. This can be a challenge; however, a change of approach can mean clients and clinicians leave the consult happy.

26 mins

Medivet is now one of the biggest practice groups in the UK, with more than 250 sites across England and Wales. To get a better idea of how the business works, VBJ paid a visit to the place where it all began more than 30 years ago.

3 mins

One of the most powerful hiring and motivational tools you have in your workplace is a job description for each employee. Good ones will help you find the right person for the job and team members focus on doing their jobs well, so it is worth spending time to get them right ...

22 mins

Engaging and communicating with pet owners is essential if vets are going to administer consistent patient care and remain relevant as animal experts. Engagement begins with outreach, and outreach originates in need ...

37 mins

RVNs play an invaluable role, yet are increasingly harder to recruit, and arguably harder to retain, than vets. For practices to remain successful, recognising, rewarding and developing VNs is no longer an optional extra ...

17 mins

Health care plans can be a great way of protecting pets, bonding with clients and marketing a veterinary practice. But the devil's in the detail when it comes to deciding what to put in, what to leave out and how much to charge ...

17 mins

The automatic joining of workers to a company pension scheme – known as auto-enrolment – celebrated its fifth birthday in October 2017. On 1 February 2018, the process was finally completed, but, as Adam Bernstein explains, auto-enrolment is still a big and potentially costly issue for British business ...

22 mins

There is something very British and familiar about a high street veterinary practice based in a converted red brick house. Late Victorian and Edwardian era buildings often ooze character and charm, but also present some unique challenges to a growing business...

11 mins

Simon Wheeler, from Agria Pet Insurance, explains how increasing the number of clients with cover can enhance animal welfare, increase profitability and even boost 
well-being across the profession.

22 mins

Antimicrobial resistance has been described as one of the biggest threats facing both human and animal health. But there are steps all practice owners or managers can take to keep their own house in order and help beat the bugs.

12 mins

Vets and VNs see the benefits of microchipping on a daily basis, but is this always the case for their clients? Madeline Haynes looks at what practices can do to overcome the barriers and maximise the business opportunities…

21 mins

Deciding when and how to exit your veterinary practice can be one of biggest decisions any owner or senior partner will make. Whether you’re wanting to put a succession plan in place, or considering a sale, a realistic strategy is needed to prevent you from ending up out of pocket.

18 mins

In 1999, rule changes allowed non-vet ownership of practices – a move that has triggered exponential growth in corporate ownership. For some, this is seen as a threat; to others, it represents an opportunity. But the truth is rather more complicated…

54 mins

Old foes and emerging tick threats are putting the pet population at increasing risk. Parasitologist Ian Wright looks at what veterinary practices can do and recommend to help tackle ticks and fight fleas – both at home and for travelling pets.

23 mins

With a recent report suggesting overweight cats, dogs and rabbits will soon outnumber healthy-sized pets, there's benefits to be gained all round for those prepared to address this growing problem.

18 mins

The best things often come to those who wait – and, as VBJ discovered during a rare visit to south London, that has certainly been true for The London Animal Hospital in Camberwell.

6 mins

Tempted to discount? Can’t see where to tap into new revenue streams? When it comes to growing your business in the right way and at the right speed, Ernie Ward recalls he has been there, done that and got the T-shirt…

26 mins

Senior clinics allow clients to receive friendly and professional advice regarding the welfare of their pets. RVN Louise Olley explains how these clinics can be used to educate owners about their elderly pets – and increase footfall to your practice.

19 mins

In 2016 Scott Rutherford hit on the idea of setting up a practice focused on surgical referrals with a sustainable, fair pricing structure and a commitment to open-handed dealing. This is Frank...

6 mins

With the profession changing at such a rapid pace, it has never been more important to ensure your clinical staff get the CPD they need to stay up to date. Improve International’s David Babington looks at the mix of options open to practices.

19 mins

Tax planning may not be at the forefront of your mind right now, but the end of the 2016-17 tax year – 5 April – is just around the corner. So, if you made a new year’s resolution to get a tighter grip on your finances, now’s the time to act – before it’s too late.

Since its first days trading from a single room behind a residential house in 1923, the practice that would become Seadown Veterinary Group has been central to life in the New Forest.

1 mins

One topic that kept coming up during the research phase of the Big 6 project was how the profession could expand the market for its products and services. So, we asked our panel to discuss ideas their colleagues in practices across the UK might adopt to generate growth in an increasingly competitive marketplace...

46 mins

With practices nationwide complaining of a lack of clinical team members for hire, Dave Nicol explores why this is happening, and offers some practical suggestions for maximising your mid to long-term chances of hiring the right people to power your practice.

24 mins

You’ve found your new team member and are ready to draft his or her contract – but this is employment law. Ed Newbould provides guidance on how best to avoid any legal fallout.

16 mins

Owning a practice is the dream of many working in the profession, but can remain a frustratingly elusive goal. Here, Whilmari Swift from Vet Dynamics explains the steps she takes with prospective practice owners to ensure they get it right.

22 mins

Fire safety in practices is governed by the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, which covers general fire precautions and other safety duties designed to protect people in the case of a fire. Adam Bernstein explains.

14 mins

Sampson Park is fast growing into a mini empire of thriving independent practices, but central to the company's growth is a flexible equity partnership model that gives employees a stake in the business.

1 mins

Choosing which modalities to offer – and how much and when to invest – can be business-critical choices, as VBJ discovered when we spoke to Julien Labruyère at VetCT ...

30 mins

Having a website is no longer enough to cut the mustard. Dave Nicol explains why practices must develop a structured digital strategy to turn those clicks into clients.

29 mins

Cash is king when it comes to practice success – yet clients increasingly prefer to pay with plastic. Adam Bernstein shows how to make savings on card fees.

10 mins

VBJ heads to Bury St Edmunds and speaks to senior partner Duncan Hole about the practice's decision to stop all large animal and equine work and become exclusively small animal.

5 mins

Of all the debates hosted by VBJ for the Big 6 project, one of the most insightful surrounded the career landscape faced by veterinary professionals in 2017. These discussions ultimately boiled down to one question: whether professionally and financially rewarding careers can still be sustained in private practice.

4 mins

When it comes to complementary therapy, many options are available to get to the final destination. Here, Stephen Barabas identifies the correct multimodal therapies for your practice.

32 mins

Recruiting new members to join your team is one of the most crucial processes in any veterinary practice. Here, in the first of a three-part series, Ed Newbould explains the process he undertakes when choosing new staff.

22 mins

On 1 October 2017, HMRC introduced a new pre-action protocol for debt claims. Corporate lawyers Paul Taylor and Sarah Carlton explain the changes and how they are likely to affect practices chasing bad debts.

18 mins

A decision by the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights has brought the question of employee monitoring to the forefront of employers’ minds once again. Mark Stevens examines the implications for UK businesses and their staff.

9 mins

Kit Sturgess looks at the decision-making process when prescribing nutraceuticals, reviews the available evidence and emphasises the importance of client comms.

22 mins

VBJ visits Kingston Veterinary Group in Hull to talk about the hospital's recent expansion and future plans to expand the group's referral services.

3 mins

RVC graduate Lennon Foo explains the philosophy behind his unique approach to first opinion veterinary care.

5 mins

Do we judge clients or roll our eyes at their never-ending excuses? Are we our clients’ worst enemy? Ernie Ward shares his experiences on “pet care shaming” and explains how your team can avoid inadvertently becoming a participant.

37 mins

Ray Girotti explains how being tight with standards and expectations, yet loose on how you allow your staff to achieve them, can create the right environment for teams can flourish.

23 mins

CPD can be a significant investment for a practice, but if it is well planned with good follow up it can be motivational and help deliver key practice objectives, as Nick Stuart explains.

23 mins

Libby Kemkaran-Thompson looks at how to make the most of two very different treatments for one of the most common age-related disorders.

22 mins

Jenny Stuart explains why ensuring your staff are fairly rewarded is vital to ensure your practice runs smoothly.

24 mins

A supreme court case has potentially opened the floodgates for employees to bring claims against their employers. Lawyer Chloe Themistocleous reports.

10 mins

Alex Darvill looks at what comes first when planning a building project – the brand or the build.

23 mins

Technology in all its forms has already proved to be a huge disruptor for veterinary practices across the UK. Staying up to date with the latest developments can be a challenge, but upsides exist for those willing to embrace these advances. We asked our panel to share their vision of this brave new world.

48 mins

Veterinary business consultant Dave Nicol explains how putting the right systems in place can enhance patient care and boost your bottom line.

31 mins

RVNs are a key component in the delivery of modern veterinary care; however, their true potential can often be overlooked. But, as Ernie Ward explains, expanding the RVN role in your practice will always pay rich rewards.

23 mins

As the countdown begins towards the UK’s exit from the EU, Adam Bernstein asks a selection of professional business advisors what areas practices need to address in advance of that day.

16 mins

Preventive health care is a vital revenue stream for any practice. But, as Nick Steele explains, it is an area where opportunities are often missed.

22 mins

Vicky Robinson discusses the corporate buying bubble, when it might burst and what the other options are for anyone planning their exit.

27 mins

Mark Stevens discusses a widely heralded scheme, including how it will operate and how it will affect businesses.

20 mins

Stephanie Vaughan-Jones explains why the old 'dog and bone' may be one of the most important pieces of kit you possess.

23 mins

Victor Chua and Nael Taher on how cost of childcare is contributing to growing problem of staff retention.

10 mins

Most practices have emerged from the dark ages, when postcards and the odd phone call were the only ways of communicating with clients. Dr Ernie Ward explains how modern methods are driving revenue growth, enhancing patient care and boosting client satisfaction.

25 mins

The difficulties faced by practices trying to recruit experienced vets has led an increasing number to turn to new graduates. Taking on inexperienced vets can be a challenge, but when it works, the rewards to both employer and employee are substantial, says Jenny Stuart.

10 mins

Mark Colton discusses how practice teams can work together to drive dental initiatives, the form they should take and the impact they can have on the bottom line.

16 mins

At VBJ, we believe well-being and staff engagement are two of the biggest issues facing … more

6 mins

Susan McKay spoke to ACD Projects founder Alex Darvill about upgrading practices – and why now could be the perfect time to get started.

15 mins

Alison Lambert and Mark Harwood take a look at how you can make the best practice financial theory work for you in the real world.

16 mins

Gudrun Ravetz looks at how you should recommend your plan, what needs to be in it and the broader benefits in terms of practice finances in providing them.

14 mins

Adam Bernstein outlines some potential pitfalls that could put your practice on the HMRC's radar for being in breach of paying the national minimum wage.

7 mins

If early results from the SPVS Practice Profitability Survey are truly representative, many practices are not being run as efficiently or profitably as they could be. John Sheridan discusses.

14 mins

Dave Nicol explains how watching client growth like a hawk is the real secret to making your practice fly.

17 mins

Talking about money with clients is not always a part of the job veterinary professionals enjoy. Here, Stewart Halperin gives his top tips for helping your team take the pain out of asking for payment.

23 mins

Climate change is having a big impact on the threats posed by ectoparasites to the nation’s pets. Here, one of the UK’s leading parasitologists, Ian Wright, looks at what veterinary practices can do to help tackle ticks and fight fleas.

23 mins

Vicky Robinson discusses why it's important to see beyond the obvious ‘cute factor’ and recognise the significant clinical and commercial factors implicit in the arrival of a new puppy or kitten.

19 mins

The fact we must pay taxes is a given. But what upsets many is the way they are levied, the size of the bills received and difficulties in appealing wrong decisions. Business rates are no exception, says John Hinde.

12 mins

Kay Hamblin and Lindsay Brazil look at how acquiring leadership skills can benefit anyone working in practice, not just those in formal leadership roles.

17 mins

The traditional dynamics of the referral process have often left clients feeling a little out of the loop, but times have changed. Here, Ray Girotti explains why it is now essential to see the client as central to the choice of whether or where their animal is referred.

18 mins

Do you know a ‘hashtag’ from a ‘like’? Have you the confidence to post content on your practice social media? Elanco’s Linn Adams offers hints and tips on what social media platforms to use and content that will appeal to clients.

18 mins

In the first of a two-part series exploring simple, but effective, ways to regain control of your practice finances, Alison Lambert focuses on one fundamental shift that will greatly improve the profitability and sustainability of your business model.

17 mins

With competition, tighter purse strings and the wonder of the web, setting up a new practice is not for the faint of heart. Adam Bernstein looks at some of the things to think about.

15 mins

Jeff Steedman explains the importance of weighing up your options and seeking sound financial advice before using pension products to buy commercial property.

7 mins

Google AdWords has grown into a relevant tool for businesses to use as part of their digital marketing strategy. Brooke Wheeler explains how it has become a platform trusted by internet users and can be as valuable as organic search results.

10 mins

Ernie Ward explains how the rise of antimicrobial resistance and the development of new diagnostic tests mean you could soon be spending more time in the lab.

17 mins

Taking the decision to make a large capital investment will be one of the biggest business decisions a veterinary practice will make, writes Adam Bernstein.

17 mins

An increase in the number of insured clients can have a big impact on practice profitability. Alan Robinson from Vet Dynamics explains how to make it happen and raise your bottom line.

22 mins

Revenue in the veterinary market has remained largely static, but this doesn’t mean growing your practice is a zero-sum game. Graeme Pack and Giles Pugh look at improving compliance.

16 mins

Ultrasound, x-ray, CT and MRI: these machines have helped open up new areas of veterinary medicine over the past few decades, but, for the uninitiated, more options can also mean more pitfalls, says James Westgate.

17 mins

Regular unplanned absences can cripple small practices and cause considerable problems for larger operations too. But before taking action it is vital to know the law when it comes to managing employee sickness, explains Emily Chalkley.

17 mins

As a practice manager, life can be a blur: a multitude of meetings, admin and customer conundrums. It can be difficult to juggle the daily challenges, let alone consider them from a different viewpoint. Yet, doing so could pay dividends, says Holly Kernot.

7 mins

The last thing any practice owner or manager needs is to be asked to appear before an employment tribunal. But if the worst does happen, it is vital to know exactly where you and your practice stand, says Mark Stevens.

16 mins

Deciding how much to charge for goods and services can prove to be a real headache for veterinary practices. Here, Zoetis’ Nick Steele explains how the firm’s Profit Solver tool can help.

16 mins

Adam Bernstein discusses why, despite technological advances, it will always be the staff who make the difference between success and failure in practice.

20 mins

Space comes at a premium and most practices have a finite amount to use when it comes to the waiting area. However, by following a few simple rules, much can be achieved with even the smallest space, as John O'Connor explains.

8 mins

If you’re wondering how companies develop a culture, then you’re already moving in the right direction, as Mike Clare explains.

16 mins

You may think your practice management system is already running to its full potential. But, as Nick Lloyd explains, when it comes to administration, data transfer and disease control, you ain’t seen nothing yet.

20 mins

It can be easy to overlook the value of developing strong supplier relationships. Fitzpatrick Referrals’ business development manager Ray Girotti explains why it pays to work with businesses that support you.

17 mins

The Insurance Act 2015 came in on 12 August 2016 and brought the most significant reform to insurance law in more than 100 years, according to Simon Brooks.

11 mins

Dave Nicol explains how, when it comes to getting good outcomes for pets in the consulting room, it’s all about performance – and not clinical performance, either.

16 mins

People are becoming more and more aware of the value of their data and, even more importantly, the impact if that data is misused, says Neil Matthews.

10 mins

Digital media has revolutionised the way many vets and VNs fulfil their CPD obligations. Accessing learning online is often cheaper, faster and more convenient than traditional modalities. So, is there still a case to be made for event-based learning? James Westgate reports.

16 mins

Verity Johnson discusses why the attributes that make for wonderfully caring individuals and teams often come with a personal price.

8 mins

In a world where consumers seem to have an awful lot of rights and businesses precious few, where do practices stand when they buy products and services that subsequently fail to live up to the promises made? Adam Bernstein explains some of the do’s and don’ts of buying for business.

15 mins

Dr Ernie Ward explains what modern veterinary practices can do to promote active advocacy, create value and boost credibility in the new trust economy.

21 mins

Wendy McGrandles, one of the UK’s leading exponents of complementary therapies and holistic veterinary medicine, explains how to make it work for you and your clients.

22 mins

Four years ago the starting gun was fired on a workplace pension revolution. Known as auto-enrolment, its aim is to ensure we all have enough income to live on when we get old. Adam Bernstein explains.

16 mins

Branding has been described as delivering on a promise made. Here, Alison Lambert asks what your practice can do to ensure it delivers on its promises.

16 mins

With heightened competition and rising costs, why are so many veterinary practices poor at maximising efficiency? Adam Bernstein speaks to two leading experts to ask how practices can improve workflow and avoid putting profitability in peril.

20 mins

When it comes to promoting your practice online, Google’s artificial intelligence algorithm RankBrain could be a game changer, according to Bash Halow.

9 mins

Building a profitable practice delivering quality care can sometimes seem like an impossible task. But clients still want the best when it comes to their pets, and most are prepared to pay a premium, says Kay Irvine.

16 mins

You may have spent a working lifetime building and expanding your veterinary practice. But what happens when it’s time to call it a day? Peter Gripper explains the importance of a good exit strategy …

17 mins

The most valuable asset your practice has is the staff it employs. Keep them happy and motivated with VBJ’s top 10 tips on geting the most out of your team.

7 mins

A mini series of articles looking at the lack of female leaders in the veterinary profession prompted a wave of feedback from VBJ readers. Here, practice owner, vet and mother, Lorna Clark, explains how she has been able to ‘have it all’.

20 mins

The veterinary sector has become an increasingly challenging environment for pet insurance. Providers, vets and pet owners all seem to be pulling in different directions when what’s really needed is alignment, explains Ashley Gray.

7 mins

Huge changes have taken place in the veterinary profession in the past 15 years. Ross Tiffin revisits the seminal Quo vadis? project to take another look to the future.

17 mins

Practices in the UK have, for many years, relied on a flow of non-UK vets into the country to fill gaps in available manpower. But making the most of this valuable human resource requires a structured approach and an open mind, says Luis Sainz-Pardo.

17 mins

It has long been recognised people are living and working longer. RCVS research in 2014 revealed nearly a third of UK vets were already aged 46 or older. As such, practice owners across the country need to be prepared…

14 mins

Dentistry is one of the most overlooked areas of veterinary medicine. Here, Bob Partridge asks why this is the case and explains how practices of all shapes and sizes can improve welfare and boost profits by taking a new approach.

20 mins

It has long been understood the prevention of ectoparasites is important for protecting animal welfare and generating extra practice revenues. But with the outbreak of babesiosis in Essex and the wide range of new products available, there has never been a better time to hammer the preventive message home to clients.

15 mins

The way veterinary practices communicate with clients has changed enormously during the past decade. Tech-savvy clients now expect to be contacted by SMS and email, and practices failing to do so could well be missing out in more ways than one, says Jamie Crittall

16 mins

A survey conducted by Dimensional Research and published by Marketing Land showed 90% of customers reported their purchasing choices are influenced by online reviews. Here, Casandra Pearson explains how to manage these reviews to protect the online reputation of your practice.

17 mins

For five days this spring, an intrepid group of Brits abroad attended the North American Veterinary Community 2016 Conference. Among them was VBJ editorial board member Alison Lambert, who explains why more of us should be making the trip.

14 mins

Developments in the world of imaging technology have brought big benefits to practice – both clinically and commercially. Here, Jon Mills makes the case for portable and CR X-ray.

7 mins

It's often easy enough deciding what new equipment your practice needs. But, as Adam Bernstein discovered, it's worth spending time deciding how to pay for it before spending money.

17 mins

Too many veterinary practices lose out financially by focusing on the middle ground and chasing the ’average’ client. Here, Dr Ernie Ward explains how his discovery of data alchemy helped him find his tribe and create the perfect formula for a profitable practice.

19 mins

Financial secretary to the Treasury David Gauke has outlined plans to transform HMRC into one of the world’s most digitally advanced tax administrations, a proposal likely to have wide-reaching ramifications, according to one taxation expert...

18 mins

Kay Irvine explains how to raise your game and make sure you stay in control of practice expansion.

18 mins

Marketing for veterinary surgeries can be daunting, especially when doing so via the internet. There … more

13 mins

In part one, four female leaders shared thoughts on why a lack of women in positions of power exists in the veterinary sector. For part two, we went back to the same four women to ask how they think the problem can be tackled...

31 mins

Discussions about retail often hinge on one simple question: clients or customers? Vets are professionals, … more

18 mins

Puppies and kittens are the lifeblood of any small animal practice and those crucial first encounters really can be make or break.

22 mins

Research and development tax credits are available to businesses in every sector – including yours.

7 mins

Selling a practice can be fraught with difficulties and unforeseen pitfalls. Malcolm Wright shares 10 top tips to ensure the process is painless for all parties.

30 mins

Women may dominate the modern veterinary profession in terms of numbers, but in many areas it’s men still holding the positions of power. In the first of a two-part article, James Westgate asks a diverse group of female leaders why they think this remains the case...

25 mins

Estimates show around nine million cats are kept as pets in the UK – that’s a huge potential market. However, as Ross Tiffin found on a visit to the north-west, a cat-friendly strategy is needed to make the most of the opportunity.

16 mins

Few could have been left unimpressed by a superb opening address by Alastair Campbell at this year's SPVS/VPMA Congress – whatever their political colour.

15 mins

It’s baffling to comprehend how a sniffling kitten in your clinic could contribute to killing an extra 10 million people every year by 2050. Yet, that’s exactly what’s at stake, according to the World Health Organization, the World Alliance Against Antibiotic Resistance and nearly every government on the planet.

16 mins

The benefits of being in a buying group have become well established over the past 20 … more

18 mins

The induction is the single most important step in the recruitment process – and the most … more

13 mins

With the passage of time comes the growing awareness our planet is just not coping … more

17 mins

Helping you reach out to both current and potential customers on a regular basis, e-newsletters are … more

15 mins

A survey by HMRC on what businesses thought of the new real time information (RTI) process … more

13 mins

Let’s start at the beginning and ask a simple question: what did you purchase the in-clinic lab … more

17 mins

In my 26 years of veterinary practice I’ve heard the phrases “you care more about … more

17 mins

According to the Association of British Insurers (ABI), in 2014 UK pet insurers paid out … more

23 mins

The most troubling euthanasia cases typically concern client reluctance to consent to urgently needed euthanasia … more

13 mins

The idea of turning a veterinary practice upside down and shaking it vigorously may seem … more

7 mins

Compulsory microchipping for all dogs in England, Scotland and Wales will come into force in … more

21 mins

Retailers understand customer experience is crucial to commercial success. They are miles ahead of us, … more

18 mins

Imagine a dog’s owners have a problem with their beloved Ranger. This could be a long-standing … more

27 mins

No matter how good you, your practice and your people are you will occasionally encounter an … more

8 mins

Your practice management system (PMS) is most effective when used as an information provider rather than … more

18 mins

With the major switch from print advertising to digital marketing comes many avenues on which … more

15 mins

Employers want to know what their employees are doing at work. From a purely practical … more

18 mins

Obesity is a common condition in dogs and cats with prevalence ranging from 25% to more … more

17 mins

Some exceptional things have been happening in my life recently. After three years in ownership … more

12 mins

One of the more awkward affairs to follow is an ageing heavy metal band. Bare chests, … more

17 mins

When you’re running your own business, it’s not good enough to just stand still – especially … more

16 mins

While I am no fortune-teller, I can give an educated guess to the direction veterinary practice … more

16 mins

Practice owners and managers are constantly looking for ways to improve the financial health of their … more

22 mins

Over the past few months we have been following a number of steps that will hopefully … more

14 mins

A record number of delegates and exhibitors are expected to attend the seventh London Vet Show … more

10 mins

When you are in the middle of a hectic and stressful working environment – something only … more

10 mins

I explained in part 2 how to advertise in a way that will attract non-UK vets … more

11 mins

Organic traffic is when visitors are brought to your site by performing a specific search that … more

14 mins

We see plenty of evidence for the feminisation of the veterinary profession in our business. CVS currently … more

15 mins

For business owners, putting instructions in place for loved ones is particularly critical, as it is … more

18 mins

There is a tendency among veterinary practice owners to feel they have to do all the … more

15 mins

Three companies working in different fields of pain management spoke to VBJ to explain how they … more

20 mins

I was there in 1978 with all my buddies. That year marked the first blitz of … more

16 mins

The benefits of using nurses to communicate with clients, usually about preventive health care, have … more

24 mins

While veterinary practices are primarily involved with animal welfare, many now sell an increasing number of … more

18 mins

With so many people using LinkedIn as a business tool, enabling individual employees to make connections … more

16 mins

In part 1 we talked about the large pool of non-UK vets looking for job opportunities in … more

12 mins

So you’re thinking of hiring a recent graduate, but are concerned about the risks involved. Some of … more

26 mins

Dave Nicol turned his world upside down when he moved to Sydney in 2009 to … more

8 mins

All veterinary practices want to be able to reach out and find their ideal clients. That … more

15 mins

In the past, a successful veterinary practice would expect to generate around 25 per cent … more

7 mins

Ask most people what “branding” means to them and chances are they’ll come back with something … more

18 mins

When I talk to employers they often tell me there is a shortage of vets or … more

10 mins

Oh no. We overhauled our practice website a couple of years ago and it needs doing … more

16 mins

Some members of the veterinary profession who will freely admit to only possessing superficial knowledge … more

15 mins

One of my favourite movie scenes is from Jaws, when the men aboard the Orca finally … more

17 mins

A visit to the vet is rarely much fun for an owner. Either the pet is unwell … more

15 mins

Email still matters, especially in light of research1 showing that as a promotion medium, it can … more

8 mins

All those working in the veterinary profession need to ask ourselves what we are doing as … more

20 mins

Coined a few years ago, crowdfunding refers to the process of seeking and raising finance from … more

9 mins

We spend a lot of time discussing how your practice management system (PMS) can best help you provide … more

11 mins

The Microchipping of Dogs Regulations for England were announced in October 2014, and outlined the responsibilities … more

17 mins

In the past, marketing could be focused on just a website. Then, search engine optimisation (SEO) … more

16 mins

There was a time when the only way pet owners could engage with their veterinary … more

20 mins

Misery loves company. This old adage proved painfully evident during a meeting with a veterinary … more

21 mins

It’s an uphill battle for those in the insurance sector to convince policyholders of the … more

19 mins

There may be people out there who think your practice has information with value. Alternatively, … more

11 mins

There are many challenges in maintaining the traditional revenue model for veterinary practices. As product … more

10 mins

In part one I looked at how attracting young pets is critical for business. Providing a … more

18 mins

It’s a full 21 years since this journal first went to print – barely the blink of … more

29 mins

New graduates will always be the lifeblood of the veterinary profession. But the widening disconnect … more

19 mins

This is the first of a two-part article that aims to help you attract and … more

21 mins

Think you’ve got all the bases covered when it comes to Facebook? Think again. Most … more

12 mins

In 2015 your website is an important part of your digital marketing “ecosystem”. It is the … more

15 mins

What sets you apart from the many practices a client could choose? That’s a difficult question … more

15 mins

A TREATMENT USED BY some of the world’s top human athletes looks set to have … more

11 mins

Meeting the demands of a growing and competitive market is a challenge for many practices. … more

17 mins

Dogwood Vets is based in a building previously occupied by a clothes factory. It is … more

14 mins

It can be the little things that have the biggest impact on clients visiting your … more

17 mins

Motivating people requires lots of energy. Encouraging positive attitudes, creativity, and exceptional client service and … more

14 mins

MORE THAN 470 people – the highest ever number of delegates for the event – and 60 exhibitors attended … more

5 mins

Continuing professional development is an essential part of working life for most members of the practice team. But why is it so important to being part of a profession, and what distinguishes it from a simple exercise in bureaucracy?

22 mins

When it comes to practice management systems essential for running a modern veterinary practice, content … more

15 mins

The exotic pet turning up in the waiting room of the local practice is a … more

21 mins

MORE THAN HALF of calls to practices generate income, says telephone answering specialist firm Moneypenny, … more

14 mins

Disputes over money can cause serious damage to small veterinary practices, both financially and in … more

17 mins

An impending law change will give magistrates’ courts the power to dish out much bigger … more

11 mins

The long-standing BVA/RSPCA arrangement for initial emergency treatment of unowned pets and wildlife has recently … more

9 mins

The realities of an increasingly feminised profession have been causing concern in veterinary political circles. … more

21 mins

Whether it’s a nurse aspiring to practice management or a vet with his or her … more

2 mins

Are your fees based on sound business principles? If not your practice could be charging … more

13 mins

Staff are one of the most valuable assets of any business, yet managing their performance … more

14 mins

What has a change in management in your practice got in common with alcoholism? Not … more

12 mins

Buying groups can be a great way to save money on a wide range of … more

22 mins

PRACTICE PROFILE Blacks Vets, Hillcroft, Hall Street, Dudley, West Midlands DY2 7BT. Staff 14 full-time … more

24 mins

Vets can face countless conflicting demands in the course of carrying out their daily duties, … more

1 mins

Within 15 months, all dogs in England and Wales will have to be microchipped by … more

15 mins

In a time-poor world, most veterinarians could only dream of having 30 minutes to perform … more

11 mins

Historically, the vet profession has shaped itself around the lives of the male majority that … more

17 mins

This year the VPMA marked the 21st anniversary of its inaugural meeting with a dinner … more

9 mins

The decision in the holiday pay case of Bear Scotland versus Fulton and another has … more

10 mins

Latest figures from the Association of British Insurers show pet insurance companies paid out almost … more

28 mins

It’s not surprising clients who realise the value of preventive care for their animals are … more

15 mins

Practices that fail to meet the expectations of their cat-owning clients could be missing out. … more

14 mins

• Starting a veterinary practice can be a process fraught with delays, difficulties and unforeseen … more

19 mins

Even at low speeds, vehicles can damage people, objects and property, so making sure yours … more

8 mins

• Pet Food Manufacturers’ Association figures show more than eight million cats are kept as … more

22 mins

MORE THAN 600 vets work for the British Government and those jobs fall into three … more

2 mins

• With the industry becoming more competitive and new firms aggressively moving in, what can … more

17 mins

• Is your search engine optimisation up to scratch? The first step in making your … more

14 mins

• The issue of pet obesity is growing in size. Almost 60 per cent of … more

14 mins

• Data is often described as the ‘new oil’ and collecting this precious resource has … more

14 mins

• A motivated and happy team is a fundamental element of any successful business. So … more

17 mins

• For some married couples, the idea of living and working under the same roof … more

20 mins

The number of female vets continues to rise, with this year’s SPVS salaries survey showing … more

2 mins

• Balanced scorecards have been used in the wider business world for more than 20 … more

15 mins

In the “dark days” before the internet, practice marketing efforts were often extremely limited: the occasional … more

18 mins

• By the end of this year the RCVS aims to launch a six-month trial … more

9 mins

How seriously do you take health and safety? NIGEL LEA explains the financial consequences for … more

10 mins

• If you were asked if there was bullying in your place of work your … more

10 mins

• In modern business, where the economies of scale dominate, it can be easy to … more

14 mins

• Compliant clients are the cornerstone of any successful veterinary practice, but it’s far from … more

19 mins

• Strategic planning. What is this phrase meant to mean, and why is it even … more

8 mins

Client retention is always a central focus for any successful practice. RxWorks’ BRYAN WILLIAMS explains … more

11 mins

• Vets4Pets’ 300th opening has underlined the firm’s position as the largest operator of small … more

17 mins

Work experience comes in many forms, from week-long placements for secondary school pupils to postgraduate … more

1 mins

• Electrocardiography has become a crucial diagnostic tool in modern veterinary practice, but not everyone … more

11 mins

• Insurance is a necessity for anyone in business; the trick is to get the … more

20 mins

Controlling inventory and ensuring you’ve charged for everything dispensed are critical, but how often have … more

12 mins

EVER THOUGHT ABOUT joining a buying group only to have been put off by onerous … more

18 mins

• Every vet practice has its share of patients with “old-itis”. Better diets and improved … more

17 mins

• Earlier this year, a change to employment law meant any business not paying minimum … more

9 mins

• Joining one of the UK’s largest multi-site partnerships has had numerous benefits for Manor … more

19 mins

Blatant lies on a résumé may not have stopped previous winners of The Apprentice, which … more

2 mins

Practice management systems have revolutionised veterinary practice, but could your software also be hiding a … more

11 mins

• In a bid to offset a potential pension crisis, the Government’s auto enrolment will … more

12 mins

• Taking on staff can be problematic. Get it right and they will work magic … more

19 mins

• VBJ’s newest columnist Ernie Ward opens his account by looking into the future – a time … more

10 mins

• Continuing our series of articles featuring influential figures in the world of veterinary business, … more

9 mins

• Pet health plans can provide the opportunity for practices to secure a reliable new … more

17 mins

• White Cross Vets in Tividale opened its doors for the first time in April … more

22 mins

Most graduate vets leave university expecting to spend the rest of their career working in … more

2 mins

• Veterinary businesses are increasingly having to become more savvy when it comes to equipment … more

15 mins

• Most vets report receiving more appreciation after euthanasias than following life-restoring treatments. The author … more

16 mins

• With many of us now living into our 80s, 90s and beyond, one of … more

18 mins

ONE OF THE first lessons learned by anyone involved in veterinary practice is to expect … more

9 mins

Gartner predicts cloud computing will grow to nearly 65 per cent of the application market … more

10 mins

Brian Faulkner explains how to identify and train the skills your front-of-house team needs to be effective in this crucial role.

9 mins

• Blogging can be a great way to engage with existing clients and attract new … more

17 mins

• Timing is everything when it comes to launching a new business venture, so before … more

20 mins

They are key to the future of the profession, but what are the next generation … more

1 mins

• Pet bereavement is a minefield all vet practices must negotiate with extreme caution. More … more

18 mins

In common with other medical professionals many vets have an aversion to marketing or selling, … more

12 mins

• The profession has been revolutionised in recent decades by the use of increasingly high-tech … more

16 mins

• A number of high profile cases in recent years have thrown the RCVS disciplinary … more

9 mins

• In a busy veterinary practice answering telephone calls can be an issue, so it’s … more

8 mins

• Social media forum LinkedIn is, as the author points out, geared for the business … more

10 mins

• Practice management systems already play an integral role in modern practice. Appointments, invoicing, stock … more

21 mins

• They’ve been treating all creatures great and small at the Swadlincote Veterinary Centre for … more

22 mins

• For most there are two realistic routes into practice ownership – enter a joint venture partnership … more

19 mins

• Over the next two years, the Government is to introduce new initiatives and changes … more

12 mins

• Drafting stories to send in to local and regional media outlets can be a … more

9 mins

There’s a very strong argument your existing clients are more valuable to your practice than … more

10 mins

• Once the preserve of human health, advanced imaging technology is an increasingly familiar feature … more

18 mins

• They say the best things come in small packages. That certainly rings true for … more

18 mins

• Image is something that can be debated to the nth degree by anyone wishing to … more

17 mins

• In the past, many veterinary managers had not received formal business training. However, the University … more

17 mins

• Looks at how getting a variety of pet health topics published in your local newspaper … more

9 mins

• Lessons learned at home as a parent managing a child’s upbringing can help develop the … more

19 mins

• Veterinary practices need to allow enough time to prepare for auto enrolment says Price Bailey, … more

9 mins

Records tumbled again at BSAVA Congress 2014 as a total of 6,286 vets, veterinary nurses … more

5 mins

• Making sure bills are paid on time and in full is vital for any business. … more

17 mins

• People have been putting their faith in Canterbury for more than a 1,000 years. … more

18 mins

RxWorks’ managing director JAMES BARNES looks at how to maximise the return from your client … more

10 mins

Many practices will have some excellent strategies in place to bond a new puppy owner … more

20 mins

As National Pet Month approaches, Marc explains its the ideal time for school visits, and … more

9 mins

“There are thousands and thousands of people out there leading lives of quiet, screaming desperation, … more

20 mins

A study by UK-based legal firm In-Deed has shown the stress of moving house can … more

19 mins

In the first of our new Head to Head series, featuring some of the most … more

9 mins

At some point every practice needs to engage help to stop the business from taking … more

20 mins

Sixty-seven per cent of online searches are done through Google and people looking for a … more

18 mins

South Wales-based Budget Vets’ managing director explores the importance of staff engagement to veterinary practice … more

14 mins

In the first of a new series, RxWorks’ managing director JAMES BARNES takes readers through … more

9 mins

When building a purpose-built veterinary practice, many issues have to be considered, from finding the … more

21 mins

In the first of his regular monthly columns, TV vet Marc Abraham introduces readers to … more

9 mins

With the expansion of “the right to roam”, dogs and their owners have access to … more

18 mins

Practices want their employees to look smart and presentable as their appearance contributes to the reputation of the business among its customers, contacts and the general public. However, what employers want and can enforce may be different things.

9 mins

During the past 20 years Grove Referrals in Fakenham has built a reputation as one … more

25 mins

This year’s SPVS/VPMA Congress proved to be another big success with hundreds of delegates braving … more

5 mins

You may have the most highly motivated, talented staff and a practice bristling with the … more

10 mins

Eighty per cent of dogs and cats in the UK over three years of age … more

8 mins

Acquiring data about user activity on your website is clearly a great marketing tool for … more

18 mins

Insuring the nation’s pets is big business and practices with trained staff can play an … more

20 mins

Taking on students and schoolchildren to carry out work placements can be a good way … more

22 mins

Keeping up-to-date with the latest technology in client communications is fundamental to the success of … more

9 mins

CPD doesn’t have to be a chore; a task that is undertaken grudgingly. If set … more

19 mins

Active, bonded clients are the backbone of any practice. ROB TILLYARD looks at utilising your … more

10 mins

Tax and succession issues for a business are intertwined and without careful planning can leave … more

20 mins

Running things your way is a powerful vision, but can be a path fraught with … more

31 mins

No business is so much of an island that it can operate independently and, from … more

19 mins

• For many, RCVS council can seem remote and inaccessible. However, this couldn’t be further from … more

9 mins

• Ever wanted to build a practice mobile app and wondered how to get in the … more

9 mins

• There is an unprecedented shift in the responsibility of taxation affairs when someone decides to … more

17 mins

• Purchasing equipment is clearly not an inexpensive proposition and there is rarely a good time … more

11 mins

• Do you walk into your surgery, eyes drawn to the Blu-Tack marks on your magnolia … more

16 mins

• A well-constructed and implemented reminder system for veterinary services and sales products can work wonders … more

7 mins

• In a tough economy, with interest rates at an all-time low, why would anyone want … more

7 mins

• Privacy issues, data losses and misuse of private information have never been so prominent, and … more

17 mins

• HMRC now has the power to impose fines on businesses for poor record keeping before … more

18 mins

• Business rates constitute one of the biggest fixed costs your veterinary practice will have. However, … more

17 mins

• As business needs change one would imagine it is reasonable for employers to alter their … more

10 mins

Changes in taxation in recent years have led to more professional practices choosing to move … more

8 mins

Six out of 10 British adults now shop online – twice the average of some other countries. … more

11 mins

Qualifying from the RVC in 1986, Improve International’s founder went on to build a career … more

17 mins

In a recent survey, around 50 per cent of vets confirmed they were seeing an … more

20 mins

“THE UK IS witnessing an obesity crisis with pets, and this is a problem that … more

6 mins

Every business needs to recruit, but it is important to know how to do so … more

8 mins

If potential clients don’t engage with your website within two to five seconds, you’ve probably … more

16 mins

In August 2010, this journal profiled the recently opened £1.5m North Downs Specialist Referrals at … more

14 mins

The cost of running a veterinary practice is certainly not getting any cheaper, and many … more

7 mins

Client and patient data are fundamental to any practice. ROB TILLYARD explains how insurance claims … more

10 mins

A raft of employment regulation changes, whether introduced or pending, are explored by Croner’s AMY … more

7 mins

Back in April 2012 Royal Mail raised eyebrows by increasing postal charges by 30 per … more

14 mins

One golden rule is to keep practices spotlessly clean and as free of infection as … more

16 mins

Vets Now claims to have helped revolutionise the way emergency care is provided – its founding … more

26 mins

Emotional intelligence isn’t a term uppermost in most people’s minds, but it was the buzz … more

9 mins

Moving into a purpose-built facility on a new business park from a building in a … more

23 mins

A common cause of injury at work is manual handling, so taking sensible precautions makes … more

9 mins

For many, buying a veterinary practice is a hard-earned dream, but can be a daunting … more

8 mins

Hazlewoods uses its regular contact with the associations to anticipate developments in veterinary practice, and … more

9 mins

• Peter Watson, joint founder and chief executive of Vets4Pets, has always had sharp business focus. … more

8 mins

• Since the days of Daniel Defoe, people have lamented that there were only two certainties … more

17 mins

The common insurances – buildings, contents, motor, employee and public liability – are well known. There are, … more

9 mins

• Most vets will have the exact details of all the insurance policies they need ingrained … more

7 mins

The second annual SPVS-VPMA Focus on Technology Day, which took place in Daventry, focused on … more

12 mins

• Communications company Moneypenny handles in excess of 8,000,000 telephone calls a year for very diverse … more

9 mins

Pushing the eco-friendly envelope makes not just perfect business sense, but helps create positive client … more

10 mins

How often do staff turn up for work feeling poorly? Controlling possible infection is a … more

10 mins

• The veterinary profession is hardly alone in suffering from late payment of debts, with even … more

9 mins

• In the past financial year, business consultancy Cremanass has seen a 20 per cent increase … more

8 mins

• It’s always a good idea for practices to have an administrative clear out now and … more

10 mins

• Located along a quite leafy, busy, and somewhat imposing thoroughfare in east London, Wanstead Veterinary … more

25 mins

Nothing prepared the author for the variety of roles and extensive learning curve she faced … more

9 mins

The author is passionate about microchips, making them work effectively and monitoring their use. Here, … more

11 mins

TRADITIONAL CAT FLAPS are, of course, a tried and trusted method of allowing easy entry … more

18 mins

Microchip technology has come on leaps and bounds in the past few years – making the whole … more

8 mins

It’s not every day you see a dog skateboarding around a practice’s car park. Clients … more

5 mins

According to Rob Tillyard, there’s a multitude of internet-borne viruses and security threats trawling 24/7 … more

10 mins

It’s hardly rocket science, but recent detailed research has revealed many practices are still not … more

8 mins

With veterinary practice staff having access to drugs, plus confidential client records and detailed accounts, … more

15 mins

The message may have been hijacked by a well-known supermarket chain, but when it comes … more

22 mins

A PRACTICE MANAGER known for “thinking outside the box” and a practice praised for its … more

6 mins

Not many practices sponsor their own local roundabout. Moor Cottage Veterinary Hospital does – the nearby sign … more

28 mins

In the latest article for VBJ, Carol Smith looks at the small print and practicalities … more

7 mins

Keeping all your staff fully in the health and safety loop is not just essential, … more

14 mins

ADI NELL, A senior partner at Medivet and head of Medivet’s Oxford region, comprising 14 … more

10 mins

• Walk down UK high streets and it’s easy to think the country’s retail offer has … more

24 mins

PET HEALTH PLANS offered by practices offer two main benefits. Firstly, they give consistent, ongoing … more

14 mins

INCREASED PRODUCT AVAILABILITY and competition in the veterinary market place is challenging. It can have … more

5 mins

When vets are on the move and working remotely, immediate access to client records, email, … more

10 mins

MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING (MRI), a diagnostic imaging technique that involves placing the part of the … more

23 mins

HALLMARQ VETERINARY IMAGING, the world’s only manufacturer of standing MRI for horses, has announced plans … more

5 mins

Vets collecting clients’ pets in Smart cars may be limiting themselves to treating small animals, … more

21 mins

In Croner’s latest article for VBJ, Carol Smith looks at what is coming up in … more

7 mins

Getting client communication right, all of the time, is a tall order for any practice. … more

13 mins

Obtaining the client’s consent for procedures on their pet is a daily occurrence in veterinary … more

7 mins

It’s one thing for a specialist veterinary practice to offer some kind of out-of-hours service, … more

28 mins

BRAEMAR FINANCE HAS just celebrated its 20th anniversary of providing finance to the veterinary profession, … more

6 mins

Digital imaging and data storage can increase the efficiency and profitability of a veterinary practice. … more

9 mins

Just how is the organisational structure of a veterinary practice responsible for restricting its operational … more

15 mins

Given just how busy most practices are, unpaid bills can easily slip off the business … more

15 mins

Addressing pregnancy-related health issues in the workplace is an important factor in protecting the expectant … more

9 mins

Not many vets have the spare time to direct a Noel Coward play for their … more

11 mins

Unheard of just a few years ago, webinars are the new kid on the tuition … more

14 mins

HAVE YOU BOOKED your place at the non-clinical event of the year? If not, then … more

7 mins

Developing your business’ property portfolio is not a decision to be taken lightly, especially in … more

24 mins

Not just a practice, but a hospital and pet resort too, the Pride Veterinary Centre … more

29 mins

In this HR article for VBJ, Carol Smith outlines the constraints and problems associated with … more

8 mins

Management of staff is an art as well as a skill and benefits accrue to … more

10 mins

Cleanliness may be associated with godliness, but if a practice is found to be in … more

19 mins

In the latest article for VBJ on technology, ROB TILLYARD looks at why a practice … more

10 mins

A recently held event, by SPVS and the VPMA, has illustrated how new technology is … more

8 mins

Engaging a lawyer with specialist veterinary experience when preparing detailed business agreements is essential. Not … more

7 mins

Divorce is, sadly, becoming more common and can lead to particularly awkward situations, especially where … more

9 mins

The growth of online shopping shows no sign of abating. According to IMRG – the membership … more

19 mins

Hacking, online security breaches, phishing, cloning, theft by staff – call it what you will, computer security … more

18 mins

Online users who are blogging could serve your practice well. With time and some effort, … more

9 mins

Weight gain isn’t just an issue for humans, it’s something animals suffer from too, and … more

11 mins

As the supermarkets have found, a well-run loyalty scheme can pay dividends. Veterinary practice group … more

8 mins

Not many practices boast a large model of a gorilla in the main entrance – Highcroft Veterinary … more

25 mins

The recruitment market for the veterinary profession requires careful navigation, as changes are afoot. Over … more

9 mins

The risk to businesses from a pandemic is rising and should be accounted for. Considering … more

18 mins

Social media has revolutionised the way people do business. Sites including Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn … more

8 mins

Recruiting new staff is fraught with difficulties, not least because the law can trip up … more

15 mins

At the end of a long career owning a practice, most will want to retire … more

18 mins

Through decent organisation anyone can become both more efficient and less stressed. Here, the author … more

12 mins

Opened in 2010, PDSA’s PetAid Hospital in Sunderland was a major investment by the charity … more

27 mins

New rules now in force mean businesses could pay dearly for any health and safety … more

9 mins

An unhealthy proportion of people have not made a will. Throw into the mix a … more

12 mins

A practice that changes its outlook on recruitment can make radical inroads to changing both … more

21 mins

STUART CHAMBERLAIN is an author and consultant in employment law at Croner. IN 2010, AS … more

10 mins

IMAGING METHODS, INCLUDING digital radiography, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT), are becoming … more

13 mins

DIAGNOSTIC IMAGING HAS changed beyond all recognition in recent years. If you are excited about … more

3 mins

Despite the national minimum wage being in force for 13 years, employers are still making … more

10 mins

ROB TILLYARD cautions that unless practices are vigilant, they risk having IT systems and data … more

10 mins

The Government is introducing new laws requiring all employers to automatically enrol their workers into … more

8 mins

Many practices are set up as a sole trader, a limited company or, to a … more

17 mins

Veterinary practices, like other businesses, suffer from unpaid bills and bad debts. The law can … more

17 mins

Without training in business skills even the best practice cannot progress. Vets must place CPD … more

22 mins

B and W Equine Group has succeeded in bringing together two equine practices with several … more

26 mins

In this column on health and safety issues in practice, NIGEL LEA looks at a … more

10 mins

In the latest article for VBJ, Amy Paxton looks at performance management and the benefits … more

9 mins

With the advent of modern technologies it has become critical for practices to keep up … more

17 mins

Is technology a breeze or just confusing? Is your practice aware of the possibilities? The … more

8 mins

LOW-LEVEL LASERS have been used since the 1980s for tissue biostimulation and pain management. In … more

15 mins

The new K-Laser is one of the most exciting and versatile pieces of equipment available … more

5 mins

Amid the doom and gloom of spending cuts and tax increases, there is some good … more

15 mins

In the latest article for VBJ on technology, ROB TILLYARD looks at software for creating … more

9 mins

Telemedicine services have matured over the past couple of years following the upgrade of UK … more

20 mins

Oak Barn Vets is a rustic endeavour that encapsulates the best of modern practice and … more

27 mins

In this column on health and safety issues in practice, NIGEL LEA, assesses the business … more

9 mins

Most practices treat retail sales as a finicky add-on to their services that requires too … more

8 mins

An explosion in the numbers of dogs taking part in agility clubs and competitions has … more

12 mins

Wood Green The Animals Charity deals with thousands of rehoming cases every year, and the … more

22 mins

Supporting the RVC in its attempts to standardise diagnostic data is an important strand of … more

13 mins

In the latest article for VBJ, Amy Paxton, talks through issues surrounding alcohol and drug … more

8 mins

Handling stressed employees should be second nature to most practice managers, but the growth in … more

20 mins

The UK is an importer of overseas talent to its practices and many candidates come … more

25 mins

Research into the impacts of pet insurance on owners shows the profession could play a … more

18 mins

Thousands took part in Pfizer’s first employee engagement survey, revealing staff attitudes to management, leadership … more

6 mins

Veterinary practices inevitably hold personal information about their staff and clients and so must stay … more

17 mins

Eastcott Veterinary Hospital stands out as an award-winning first opinion practice, not only in its … more

31 mins

How about using the wisdom of many over the paucity of the few business lenders … more

17 mins

In the latest article for VBJ on health and safety issues, NIGEL LEA, asks how … more

8 mins

In the latest article for VBJ on personnel issues, AMY PAXTON discusses the topic of … more

8 mins

Large group veterinary businesses are on the rise and there is a variety of opinion about their impact on the UK profession. The author discusses perspectives and looks at some of the changes that could affect stakeholders in everyday practice.

22 mins

Priming yourself to be an internet lothario – a social networker – is a necessary part of … more

20 mins

HM Revenue and Customs has the power to inspect your business or personal tax affairs … more

12 mins

The psychology of confidence is a complex subject, but COLIN THOMSON believes, it is one … more

18 mins

Do you know the difference between skimming and odd value? If not, you could be … more

19 mins

AS TECHNOLOGY EVOLVES and becomes slicker, if you aren’t keeping up with changes in the … more

7 mins

Modern practice management is driven by powerful IT programs, but they are not much use … more

17 mins

In this column on health and safety issues in practice, GARY SULLIVAN looks at the … more

17 mins

Fixed costs associated with buildings are probably more flexible than you assume. Could you profit … more

19 mins

Employers would do well to maintain motivation in practice by looking critically at the way … more

8 mins

Christchurch Veterinary Referrals offers a polished service in orthopaedics and small animal surgery, and a … more

26 mins

Your vaccine reminder system is a potential goldmine when it comes to health-care compliance. Mobile … more

16 mins

In the latest article for VBJ on personnel issues, ANDY HAGUE, discusses how you can … more

6 mins

Acting as referee to former staff members requires careful thought if you are to avoid … more

12 mins

In the latest article for VBJ on technology, ROB TILLYARD, looks at systems to keep … more

8 mins

Launching a new social network is not for the faint-hearted and even search and marketing … more

18 mins

When people are grieving for the loss of a relative, friend or business partner, it … more

17 mins

Most clinicians learn about business at the sharp end, but to develop your practice and … more

16 mins

Public relations has many benefits – and when you are aiming to raise the profile of your … more

12 mins

Retirement is no time to lose track of the value of your practice. Maximise returns … more

15 mins

In her latest column for VBJon personnel issues in practice, CAROL SMITH looks at the … more

7 mins

Reveal your practice’s hidden promise by looking in more detail at the clients in your … more

10 mins

There could be any number of reasons for you to brush up your act. Practices often stand to lose if they do not control contamination on the premises. Indifferent hygiene can affect your public image, team spirit and the bottom line.

16 mins

Veterinary professionals face continuing scrutiny about the quality of their work and professional judgement. So, … more

15 mins

In this column on health and safety issues in practice, NIGEL LEA gives some practical … more

12 mins

Football and veterinary surgery do not seem the most obvious marriage, but what if you … more

26 mins

Medivet’s centre at Hendon serves eight outlying clinics and a host of other local practices. … more

33 mins

Generally speaking, retaining loyal clients is much more rewarding than winning new business. Do we … more

11 mins

Best foot forward at VPMA’s January congress. This year promises to build on last with … more

7 mins

Your waiting room decor is vital in portraying the ethos of your practice. Too minimal … more

26 mins

In the latest column for VBJon personnel issues in practice, CAROL SMITH looks at British … more

8 mins

Your staff are the people who meet clients, care for patients and make the difference … more

8 mins

Creating enough income to fund your life after work has become more challenging following the … more

25 mins

Understanding staff motivation and improving lines of communication are just two of the benefits that … more

10 mins

YOU MAY HAVE seen advertisements promoting cloud storage (“To the cloud…”) or even used distributed … more

9 mins

THIS EDITION of insight – The Veterinary Business Journal’s technology supplement – focuses on digital radiography equipment, … more

IMAGE QUALITY IS one of the key reasons for investing in digital radiography equipment. Ask … more

10 mins

Cuattro was founded in 2006 by the industry’s leading executives and product designers, and is … more

4 mins

Processing Imaging Equipment Services, affectionately known as “PIE”, was founded by Stuart Thornton, MD, after … more

5 mins

• This Bristolian veterinary team has achieved big gains in the local market with enterprising marketing … more

24 mins

Making the first step to becoming a partner or owning your own practice can be … more

13 mins

In this column on health and safety issues in practice, NIGEL LEA looks at the … more

12 mins

VPMA is looking forward to an informationpacked congress in Kenilworth in January – and there are some … more

8 mins

In her latest column on personnel issues, CAROL SMITH explains how to avoid redundancy pitfalls … more

8 mins

In the third of a series of articles on the future ahead in the veterinary … more

20 mins

Cutbacks in spending often fall on perceived non-essential areas of the practice budget, such as … more

24 mins

In this column on health and safety issues in practice, NIGEL LEA looks at the … more

12 mins

In the rush to meet ‘objective’ standards, many practices fail to see the pitfalls of … more

11 mins

Get serious with your marketing and there are valuable returns to be had. The key … more

21 mins

Web commerce is the fastest growing sphere in retail because it offers convenience. So how … more

22 mins

FOR PRACTICES LOOKING to make the transition to digital x-ray systems there are solid business … more

13 mins

WELCOME TO insight – The Veterinary Business Journal’s brand-new technology supplement. If you ever wondered how other … more

2 mins

Not only does BCF lead the way with digital x-ray within veterinary practices, but for … more

5 mins

INCREASINGLY SOPHISTICATED IMAGING methods, such as digital radiography, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography … more

15 mins

Vet CT Specialists was established in 2009 by Victoria Johnson to bring together a group … more

4 mins

MICROCHIP IMPLANT IS a swift and convenient way to identify and reunite lost pets with … more

8 mins

For years, pet microchips have been registered using paper forms that are lengthy to fill … more

5 mins

Emerging from organised chaos was the first lesson in strategy for referral business leader Dick … more

31 mins

Surveys show that technology can drive more effective communication with clients, so consider the merits … more

9 mins

Today’s vets need to do more than treat animals and be polite to clients to … more

10 mins

In the latest column for VBJ on personnel issues, CAROL SMITH looks at the abolition … more

7 mins

There is a tendency for practices to buy the latest kit before truly assessing its cost effectiveness. Financial planning reduces waste by costing in factors such as staff training, maintenance and depreciation before you splash the cash.

24 mins

Microchipping the family pet has become an essential service these days. Manufacturers and reunification databases … more

18 mins

Secure document exchange in an open format has been the holy grail of IT systems … more

8 mins

In his latest column on health and safety issues in practice, NIGEL LEA looks at … more

11 mins

Financial crises and shifts in household spending are shaping the profession as inexorably as pet … more

22 mins

Providing excellent first opinion services to the north-Nottingham suburbs is second nature at the Lawrence … more

32 mins

How do you ensure your client’s continued loyalty to your services? You may well provide … more

15 mins

Financial planning for life after work is too important to leave until the last minute. … more

12 mins

Achieving balance between healthy pressure and unhealthy stress is all part of life in a … more

16 mins

Fatherhood is one of the proudest moments in any man’s life and now the Government … more

21 mins

ROB TILLYARD looks at how electronic systems can save the environment and enhance your green … more

8 mins

• As practices batten down the hatches for a slowdown in consumer spending, are you missing … more

19 mins

What’s the best way to achieve partner status? There are lots of different avenues and … more

23 mins

In this column on health and safety issues in practice, NIGEL LEA looks at good … more

10 mins

In this low-interest economy your savings can look like small change. So, before inflation sweeps … more

18 mins

The art of communication is what makes your business productive, according to GUDRUN RAVETZ. So, … more

9 mins

For a mixed practice to be extending its field of influence in these challenging times … more

34 mins

THE LARGEST-EVER Veterinary Marketing Association (VMA) annual advertising award ceremony saw two veterinary practices awarded … more

5 mins

CAROL SMITH examines changes to the law governing harassment THERE ARE THREE definitions of harassment … more

9 mins

In the first of a series of three articles, the author looks at the affordability … more

23 mins

Providing referral services to your clients can be a daunting task. It’s not just buying … more

21 mins

Getting to know the industry you work in and the customers you service requires a … more

30 mins

Government plans to increase the threshold at which employees retire could create a real conundrum … more

16 mins

You don’t have to go it alone in promoting your practice. An established industry infrastructure … more

21 mins

In the latest column for VBJ on personnel issues in practice, CAROL SMITH looks at … more

8 mins

A vital component in veterinary practice is good non-clinical skills, says GUDRUN RAVETZ. Give your … more

9 mins

When Vets Now took a step outside its usual competency of emergency medicine and out-of-hours … more

32 mins

Viruses and spyware are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to keeping … more

9 mins

• 1.Modern PC operating systems (OS) are multi-user and designed so that different users can be … more

15 mins

In this column on health and safety issues in practice, NIGEL LEA looks at sick … more

12 mins

Big name brands achieve their success by using simple messages married to emotive imagery. Pare … more

18 mins

The RCVS recommends 35 hours of CPD per year, but it is still not a … more

26 mins

UK specialist referrals appear to be following trends set by American private practice – more specialists, increased … more

27 mins

In the latest column for VBJ on personnel issues in practice, GILLIAN DOWLING examines workers’ … more

14 mins

Changing the legal status of your practice to a limited liability partnership requires some consideration, … more

22 mins

Step through the main door into reception at Fitzpatrick Referrals and there is a bustling … more

34 mins

VPMA conventions are anything but conventional. January’s event promises a mix of management and personal … more

9 mins

Tax affairs for civil and business assets are often interlinked, so why leave your estate … more

25 mins

In times of economic difficulty it is easier to question the role of veterinary associations, … more

9 mins

In this column on health and safety issues in practice, NIGEL LEA looks at an … more

11 mins

Gauging the best lease deal for your business can be tough. Take professional advice on … more

17 mins

Just because your patient histories and pharmaceutical records have never linked up, does it mean … more

23 mins

In the latest column for VBJ on personnel issues in practice, GILLIAN DOWLING looks at … more

9 mins

Since 2005 there has been an unprecedented growth in pet insurance providers, yet veterinary input … more

30 mins

In his latest column, NIGEL LEA examines the human factors influencing behaviour at work in … more

13 mins

The impact of abandoned dogs saps team morale in a practice, especially the unspoken issue … more

9 mins

Solid foundations and an abundance of community spirit have been the making of Wendover Heights … more

32 mins

Most people now use the internet in many aspects of their daily lives, whether to … more

8 mins

Understanding your data is the cornerstone of success. Identify key performance indicators and you can … more

26 mins

Changes to legislation for overseas workers came into force in April, but have you acknowledged … more

18 mins

In his latest column, ROB TILLYARD looks at the issue of rotas and how you … more

8 mins

Regular contact with your pet-owning public makes for happy talk all round. It’s not pushy, … more

20 mins

In the latest column for VBJ on personnel issues in practice, GILLIAN DOWLING looks at … more

9 mins

Why send pet owners straight to a specialist when you can get the answers their … more

29 mins

SPVS is an organisation for all, regardless of age or experience. It includes students and … more

10 mins

Transforming a rural warehouse into an upmarket referral hospital has been the making of North … more

33 mins

The advent of social networks like Facebook or LinkedIn has allowed veterinary business people to … more

9 mins

In small and medium-sized enterprises, cash is king. Assuming you didn’t go into business for … more

26 mins

In this column on health and safety issues, NIGEL LEA examines the control of hazardous … more

8 mins

Don’t assume planning for your absence is tempting fate. A will is a crucial document … more

20 mins

After all the warnings beforehand, George Osborne’s first Budget speech wasn’t as bad as it … more

22 mins

The messages your practice staff convey, and the way they convey them, are key to … more

25 mins

Do you really know what’s going on in the darkest recesses of your surgery? Engage … more

15 mins

In this column on health and safety issues in practice, NIGEL LEA looks at the … more

10 mins

• You may have not given much thought to the importance of producing practice newsletters, but … more

17 mins

Expectations that are met can motivate and make us feel positive, says GUDREN RAVETZ. Equally, … more

8 mins

From humble, but noble, beginnings, Mill House Veterinary Surgery and Hospital has grown into an … more

29 mins

VBJ editor PAUL IMRIE on a brand-new book for those interested in mastering the crucial … more

9 mins

It’s all very well having a shiny website, but if no one can find it, … more

22 mins

In the latest column for VBJ on personnel issues in practice, GILLIAN DOWLING discusses polices … more

9 mins

A revolution in the way fitness for work is determined aims to save the economy … more

22 mins

In his latest column, ROB TILLYARD explains the features and benefits offered by digital imaging … more

7 mins

You might think your practice is doing everything right, but are you armed with all … more

27 mins

Veterinarians think they are getting their clinical messages over clearly to clients, but the reality … more

10 mins

Like a sports team, your practice needs a strategy. To ensure you remain in a … more

19 mins

In the latest column for VBJ on personnel issues in pratice, NICO KONTOU GOYMER looks … more

9 mins

Have you seen client numbers dwindle? If so, don’t panic – opportunities can come from adversity. In … more

26 mins

From idea to achievement, creating a new practice became a 12-year journey for a Solihull … more

40 mins

In his latest column, ROB TILLYARD discusses network email solutions, including how they can be … more

9 mins

In this column on health and safety issues in practice, NIGEL LEA explains the role … more

16 mins

The VPMA’s annual congress decamped to a plush hotel on the edge of Oxford, and … more

19 mins

No business wants to have to make someone redundant, but many bosses are occasionally faced … more

22 mins

In the last in a series of three articles to help you propagate growth in … more

19 mins

In this column on health and safety issues in practice, NIGEL LEA explains how employees … more

8 mins

The world’s economies have endured a turbulent year or so, but there are reasons for … more

13 mins

To run a successful, profitable veterinary practice, it is vital you know who your clients … more

33 mins

Vets often have excellent opinions for improving animal welfare, but have not always been good … more

10 mins

After more than a decade working for others, Marwan Tarazi decided to branch out on … more

28 mins

Businesses hope all their customers will pay on time, but the reality is often different. … more

15 mins

In the latest column for VBJ on personnel issues in practice, GILLIAN DOWLING looks at … more

9 mins

If your practice is considering a new promotional campaign, bear in mind you’ll need to … more

18 mins

In his latest column, ROB TILLYARD discusses the use of computers in treatment rooms and … more

9 mins

Businesses in all sectors are looking for the next big thing to give them a … more

21 mins

In the second of a series of articles designed to help you propagate growth in … more

9 mins

Many practices shy away from active medicine selling for ethical reasons. But, in the second … more

36 mins

Concluding his article on a vital veterinary business role, the author offers more tips for … more

42 mins

Everyone needs a helping hand now and again, and in the veterinary profession, it is … more

9 mins

The practice may be able to trace its roots back almost 125 years, but staff … more

31 mins

Not necessarily. As the author finds out, there are a number of options available to … more

21 mins

In this column on health and safety issues in practice, GARY SULLIVAN offers advice on … more

12 mins

A new breed of employees, who think they’re smarter, better and faster than their predecessors, … more

13 mins

Because of the NHS, few people know the true cost of the human healthcare they … more

20 mins

Are you waiting for new clients to walk through the door, or could you be … more

17 mins

Next month will again mark the start of the veterinary conference schedule, and the VPMA … more

16 mins

Dealing with clients covered by insurance can throw up the odd problem. Here, the author … more

27 mins

In the latest column for VBJ on personnel issues in practice, Gillian Dowling says redundancy … more

9 mins

Most practices have at least some space devoted to retail. If yours is one of … more

22 mins

If you’re an owner thinking of hiring one for the first time, if you’re about … more

51 mins

Recessions don’t have to be all doom and gloom – they can offer you the chance to … more

16 mins

The first two vets have now successfully gained the Certificate in Advanced Veterinary Practice (CertAVP). … more

10 mins

Great Western Referrals may have only been going for slightly more than five years, but … more

25 mins

In the first of a new series of articles on stimulating business growth in difficult … more

17 mins

If your practice is succeeding, there might be a tendancy to sit back and let … more

7 mins

INVESTORS ARE OFTEN faced with the dilemma of not knowing when is best to invest … more

6 mins

It’s all very well having a shiny website, but if no one can find it, … more

16 mins

EMPLOYERS ARE LEGALLY responsible for undertaking risk assessments of the workplace and related activities therein. … more

6 mins

In an economic downturn, one of the first casualties can be the marketing budget. Here, … more

23 mins

… and how do you get the best out of them once you’ve found them? … more

26 mins

AS THE AUTHOR points out, there are many ways to recruit staff members for your … more

3 mins

In this second article on the theme of finding the right people for your team, … more

11 mins

THE “PRACTICE” BUSINESS model has at least one thing in common with its corporate counterpart – an … more

6 mins

In the latest column for VBJ on personnel issues in practice, GILLIAN DOWLING offers five … more

9 mins

While not all practices have websites, those that do are not necessarily using all the … more

19 mins

The swine ’flu pandemic may have put the need for proper hygiene back in the … more

16 mins

In this column on health and safety issues in practice, GARY SULLIVAN answers some of … more

14 mins

With the breeding of pedigree dogs in the news, SPVS has launched its Animal Welfare … more

11 mins

In a busy few months, staff at St Clair Veterinary Group have, among other things, … more

29 mins

Earlier this year, a VBJ article outlined the opportunities an insured client base can offer … more

19 mins

In his latest column, ROB TILLYARD explains setting up an internet and computer ‘Acceptable Use … more

8 mins

If your practice has a website, it is vital it is as visible as possible … more

20 mins

With SPVS holding its best-attended congress to date in May, and with its campaigning role … more

9 mins

The recession may be making it tough out there, but you can still be proactive. … more

16 mins

Practices across the UK are invariably looking to ‘grow revenue’. IN THE CURRENT climate, businesses … more

11 mins

In his latest Databytes column, ROB TILLYARD explains why backing up the data on your … more

12 mins

If you’re considering buying a vehicle for your vets to use, you may want to … more

11 mins

Identifying that many of the management CPD events in the UK were aimed predominantly at … more

8 mins

When the recession collided with a young vet’s practice ownership dream, a combination of optimism, … more

24 mins

In the latest column for VBJ on personnel issues in practice, GILLIAN DOWLING provides an … more

9 mins

We’re used to recycling at home, but are we as diligent in our practices? The … more

18 mins

In this column on health and safety issues in practice, GARY SULLIVAN looks at fire … more

16 mins

As your practice ages and your staff develop their skills, you may want to add … more

24 mins

ON APRIL 6, the new Employment Act brings in changes for employers regarding how they … more

9 mins

• Many veterinary businesses have practice management systems, but not all will be using them to … more

34 mins

The theme of SPVS Congress will focus on the current economic crisis, and, in particular, … more

9 mins

• You’ll all be doing your best to ensure the clinical areas of your practice are … more

17 mins

If you think legal obligations to staff members start on their first day, think again. … more

20 mins

When a Northumberland veterinary group decided to transfer its flagship hospital to purpose-built premises, the … more

39 mins

In an article of interest to any surgery employing locum veterinary staff, the author reviews … more

15 mins

In this column on health and safety issues in practice, GARY SULLIVAN looks at managing … more

13 mins

In a brilliant piece of timing, keynote speaker and HSBC economist Dennis Turner opened VPMA … more

14 mins

Even if your practice has decided behaviour wellness is not the right fit, you still … more

27 mins

In a thought-provoking article, the author explains why UK practice – facing challenging times and dwindling … more

35 mins

Last year was a busy year for SPVS members. Here, MARIE CARTER reflects on what … more

8 mins

The Government has reassessed business rates on each of the UK’s 1.8 million commercial buildings. … more

19 mins

…and do you even need to? In a barnstorming article, the author advises you to … more

26 mins

Despite all your best efforts, your practice could find itself embroiled in a dispute, whether … more

28 mins

A serene location off the beaten path has not hindered Davies Veterinary Specialists’ rapid growth. … more

31 mins

Knowing clients’ needs and desires will allow you to make informed purchasing decisions that get … more

15 mins

The phrase “there are never enough hours in the day” could have been coined for … more

20 mins

A new points-based system is being set up to regulate migrant workers in the UK, … more

17 mins

ONCE AGAIN IT’S the new year and it’s time to motivate yourself into actually taking … more

14 mins

All businesses, big or small, rely on office machines, but you probably won’t think too … more

16 mins

AS SPRING APPROACHES, many of us are starting to think about the summer and our … more

9 mins

• As the economic situation worsens, businesses must ensure they run efficiently and effectively. Here, the … more

35 mins

• In the current climate, it has never been more important to maximise any opportunity to … more

13 mins

A BBC documentary in August on pedigree dogs stoked up controversy. MARIE CARTER looks at … more

10 mins

• It can develop and motivate your staff, but which CPD route should you choose? While … more

33 mins

In this column on health and safety issues in practice, GARY SULLIVAN looks at the … more

13 mins

• Everyone loves a shiny new toy, but think carefully before shelling out big bucks just … more

24 mins

• Practice management systems have brought key benefits to veterinary businesses, but transferral of data between … more

18 mins

• After more than 40 years in practice, most vets would be looking to life in … more

28 mins

• If the veterinary sector is to continue to flourish, it’ s vital that business savvy, … more

21 mins

Plans are already well underway for the next VPMA Congress, and an exciting programme has … more

13 mins

• Animal behaviour is a topic of increasing focus for pet owners, but many practices have … more

22 mins

In the latest column for VBJ on personnel issues in practice, GILLIAN DOWLING offers some … more

9 mins

• Has it been a while since you reviewed the security of your surgery? Ensuring staff, … more

25 mins

• In the third and final part of a series about his experiences starting up a … more

12 mins

According to research, veterinary practices have less than four per cent of the UK’s lucrative … more

23 mins

Technology has come a long way since the first simple microchips were introduced. Here, the … more

20 mins

…and in other workplaces. While in the early stages, widespread reform to equality legislation is … more

16 mins

In the latest column for VBJ on personnel issues in practice, GILLIAN DOWLING looks at … more

10 mins

Done correctly, herd health planning is mutually beneficial for farms and veterinary practices, as well … more

21 mins

“There is a clear financial advantage on both sides. Clients get a discount on health … more

8 mins

Talk of recession and credit crunch continues to dominate the headlines, but there is, according … more

19 mins

It may be named after England’s smallest county, but everything else about Rutland House is … more

30 mins

In the second of a three-part series about his experiences of moving to start up … more

16 mins

In an article published on the National Commission of Veterinary Economic Issues (NCVEI) website, Neal … more

21 mins

The end is in sight to the ban on charging for prescriptions for relevant veterinary … more

9 mins

In this column on health and safety issues in practice, GARY SULLIVAN looks at the … more

8 mins

In the latest in a series on how you can enhance your practice marketing, Vets4Pets … more

7 mins

When it comes to health and safety, there’s no hiding place. Your practice needs to … more

23 mins

IN THE LATE 1970s and early 1980s, technologists predicted that within the following 20 years … more

10 mins

Many practices, as well as the vets working in them, don’t feel comfortable selling. But … more

21 mins

‘If you always do what you’ve always done, then you’ll always get what you’ve always … more

27 mins

With the veterinary profession suffering from ever-increasing episodes of anxiety, addiction and suicide, the theme … more

9 mins

In the latest column for VBJon personnel issues in practice, GILLIAN DOWLING looks at the … more

9 mins

In the first of a new series of articles on sourcing products and services for … more

24 mins

In the latest of a new series on how you can improve your practice marketing, … more

12 mins

Not every practice has its own hydrotherapy pool and underwater physiotherapy treadmill. The married couple … more

28 mins

If you want to make the move from assistant vet to owner, there are a … more

32 mins

In this column on health and safety issues in practice, GARY SULLIVAN looks at the … more

11 mins

In the first of a three-part series in which he recalls his experiences of moving … more

18 mins

With the country suffering the credit crunch and businesses looking for ways to cut costs, … more

18 mins

In the latest Databytes column, ROB TILLYARD looks at how new technology can help take … more

12 mins

In the first of a series of articles from this year’s TMS Seminar, STEVE DERBY … more

22 mins

The first deadline for participants studying for this year’s Certificate in Veterinary Practice Management is … more

15 mins

Often, the only time practices will see many owners is when they bring in their … more

25 mins

In the latest column for VBJ on personnel issues in practice, GILLIAN DOWLING looks at … more

9 mins

Although it’s not one of the Government’s biggest earners, capital gains tax still rakes in … more

20 mins

In the latest of a new series on how you can improve your practice marketing, … more

8 mins

Charles and James Bagnall always planned to set up in practice together, but it happened … more

31 mins

Reducing the chances of cross-contamination in practice is vital for veterinary businesses. Here, the author … more

19 mins

In this column on health and safety issues in practice, GARY SULLIVAN looks at work-related … more

7 mins

A veterinary practitioner with his or her heart set on business ownership has a number … more

47 mins

THE OXFORD ENGLISH Corpus is a vast database of current language containing evidence from sources … more

13 mins

When it comes to positive and practical approaches to growing a business, smaller companies could, … more

14 mins

Veterinary professionals, and the owners they come into contact with, often have the interests of … more

9 mins

• An infectious disease outbreak could have serious implications not only for your patients, but for … more

25 mins

• Casting a critical eye at the complex relationship between the profession and the insurance sector, … more

24 mins

• Today’s pet-owning clients understand the concept of retail selling and expect to be sold a … more

15 mins

Health and safety is a crucial consideration for any business. At a joint BSAVA and … more

9 mins

• The Park Veterinary Group was already hugely successful before undertaking the major expansion of one … more

23 mins

• Many practices, like other UK businesses, are plugging staffing gaps by recruiting workers from overseas. … more

22 mins

In the latest column for VBJ on personnel issues in practice, GILLIAN DOWLING looks at … more

9 mins

• In his opening article, the author looked at how to set up a limited company. … more

20 mins

In this column on health and safety issues in practice, GARY SULLIVAN reiterates why making … more

14 mins

• In the second of a new series on how you can improve your practice marketing, … more

12 mins

In the latest Databytes column, ROB TILLYARD looks at how technology can make life simpler … more

11 mins

• A significant court case loss has led to the taxman setting his sights on “income … more

19 mins

• Many vets are following the lead of the human medical profession and adopting medical imaging … more

22 mins

More veterinary practices in the UK are ceasing to operate as partnerships and are, instead, … more

18 mins

If you are the owner of a veterinary practice, having – as well as executing – a … more

23 mins

In the latest column for VBJ on personnel issues in practice, GILLIAN DOWLING looks at … more

8 mins

Since its launch 14 years ago, the Certificate in Veterinary Practice Management, run by the … more

15 mins

It they’re carried out correctly, staff reviews can do wonders for morale in your practice. … more

22 mins

When you need to up-size your practice, finding the right location can be a major … more

27 mins

In the first of a new series on how you can improve your practice’s marketing, … more

10 mins

Health and Safety update Many businesses utilise compressed gas cylinders, as they provide a convenient … more

7 mins

Today’s modern world means that even more employees want to work flexible hours. There have … more

22 mins

The profession is considering how to tackle the issue of escalating stress suffered by veterinary … more

10 mins

WHETHER WE CALL it the visual display unit (VDU), monitor, terminal or DSE (display screen … more

9 mins

A good proportion of practices have practice management systems, but not all may be making … more

23 mins

Has new chancellor Alistair Darling pulled off the usual trick of giving with one hand … more

18 mins

In the latest column on personnel issues in practice, GILLIAN DOWLING looks at how to … more

9 mins

With vets having to assess an animal’s clinical needs, balance managerial and fiscal policy and … more

20 mins

Professor Adrian Furnham, of University College, London, will be speaking on the topic of “Successful … more

18 mins

In a further presentation from 2007’s TMS seminar, ALI CHADWICK explains some of the factors … more

15 mins

You’ve a lot to think about as a practice manager and owner, not least sourcing … more

23 mins

In a competitive veterinary marketplace, finding a niche that can turn a healthy profit is … more

25 mins

In this column on health and safety issues in practice, GARY SULLIVAN looks at contract … more

16 mins

The topic of veterinary salaries is never far away, but is polarised in students or … more

10 mins

It’s that time of the year again and thoughts have turned to present buying. But … more

13 mins

CARBON EMISSIONS ARE a hot topic and businesses in all industries are taking action to … more

13 mins