Build a more sustainable future

Expert-written learning tools to support vets and RVNs in making their practices more sustainable.

It starts with you: practical steps towards a sustainable future

For those in the veterinary profession, compassion for animals, nature and the natural world is part of most people’s DNA. But our wonderful, unique planet and its inhabitants are facing unprecedented danger: changing weather patterns leading to wildfires, floods, loss of biodiversity, damage to oceans – then there’s pollution on an unimaginable scale. We have to tackle wider environmental degradation too. But there are easily achievable steps we can all take…

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Flexibility: the key to sustainability

We are in the midst of a veterinary medicine recruitment and retention crisis. Statistics from the RCVS Workforce Summit 2021 make for a worrying read. Despite an increase in the number of vet schools and qualifying vets, the net number of practising vets entering the profession is reducing at an alarming rate. 43.7% of vets say that they want to leave the profession, 52.3% of veterinary clinics report being understaffed and 74% worry about burnout. So, what factors have led to these ‘leaky pipes’?

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It can be all too easy to see telemedicine as just the delivery of vet-to-owner remote consultations; however, technology-enabled veterinary care has a much more significant role to play in sustainable veterinary practice. Telemedicine is indeed a vehicle for vet-to-owner advice, but it also includes sub-fields such as teletriage, teleprescribing, teleconsulting and teleradiology. Together, telehealth services have potential far-reaching benefits for our patients and clients, veterinary team members and the planet…

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“The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it”

About our partner

“At VET.CT, we support vets in practice through our exceptional teleradiology, teleconsulting and education services.

“Sustainability is at the heart of everything we do; from our services helping to optimise patient care and improve sustainability in practices and working with charity partners, to minimising our carbon footprint, we are committed to making a growing and enduring positive impact on the veterinary industry.”

We’re delighted to share some of the sustainability initiatives we’ve been working on this year at VET.CT.

VET.CT specialists have a wealth of expertise in treating and caring for animals in conflict and disaster zones. We offer training videos FREE of charge.

Join us for a wildlife webinar series with Wildlife Vets International!